Desantis now says “Fauci My Florida”

Google Republican county vaccination rates. Here is a sample:

Also, for the record I was not the one who made this a racial issue. The lie told was that the unvaccinated are not Trump supporters

Google Republican county vaccination rates. Here is a sample.

Also, for the record I was not the one who made this a racial issue. The lie told was that the unvaccinated are not Trump supporters

I’m sure it helps to convince yourself of that. lol


“Everything I hate is Trump.” :rofl:

A politician lying in order to get elected? Is this supposed to be breaking news?

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Yeah, but at this point - thanks to the good work of trump - Covid is essentially preventable.

And if you get it at this point, you are taking up resources that could be spent on other, non preventable diseases, and you are a petri dish for mutations which might send us all back into lockdown.

It’s like helmet laws. They don’t exist to keep idiots from bashing their skulls into the pavement. They exist so we don’t have to waste taxpayer money mopping up a jack asses brain.

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Yes yes, it’s all the tweet meany’s fault. :rofl:

That’s three so far. NEXT!


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What about all the black folks afraid of getting Tuskegeed??

Are they “low information Trump voters” also??

Go ahead, call em out.


You must have meant to quote a different post.

Trump helped in our efforts to defeat covid.

People not getting vaccinated cost all of society, not just themselves.

That is a summary of my post. I did not criticize trump at all.

All questions and concerns about the vaccines should be address honestly.

What he said is true.

Our insurance premiums will rise because people are getting sick from a preventable disease.

Then why is he selling these:

Including illegal border crossers both pre and post covid.



Pretty much says it all. :+1:

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of course.

But I think they are actually getting taxed at the border, aren’t they?

No, that’s not the statistic.

81% of the total population of vaccinated individuals in Ohio are white, and 9% are black.

Coincidentally, that’s just about the demographic breakdown of Ohio.

Non-starter until we can at least agree that immigration has to be sustainable or the system will collapse. That is not the stance of the Democratic Party.

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And then there’s the vindictive little libs who can’t stand people who aren’t in the herd and blame all their shortcomings on the orange Boogeyman. :wink:

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Great point. Disgusting to say the least.


Are you sure? Or are you repeating what the leftist have programed you to think? Because from what I have read the biggest group is the younger generation. And we have been told by the leftist many times that only old white men vote conservative.