Delta hitting kids hard

Good response. Thanks!

There is a million illegals roaming since Jan 1st alert the right wing imagination machine.

How many of them have Ebola

True, whether it was good or not.


Come on down and see for youtself.

Why they are being shipped everywhere. I can just look out my window. At least i can believe i can

Come on down.

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Corpus Delicti.
Prima Facie.
Persona Requiratur.

Mod Note

Stop trolling.

Rand Paul was busy with other things.

The stock purchase and late filing raise questions about whether Paul and his family used information given to lawmakers about the coronavirus and the government’s plans to fight it so they could make a profit, Prof. James D. Cox of Duke University told the Post . “The senator ought to have an explanation for the trade and, more importantly, why it took him almost a year and a half to discover it from his wife,” he said.

I have one question: How are they being treated? If they are being treated appropriately, few if any should die. Mostly if they have preexisting conditions, such as leukemia. Young children can take both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.



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Not sure if serious…

But welcome to the forum!

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Sad news. I know some will try to explain it as no big deal. I’d hate to have kids in the area knowing if they needed an ICU bed, COVID or not, there wouldn’t be one available. The quote is a bit over the top perhaps, but a city/metro area the size of Dallas to be out of pediatric ICU beds is horrific.

“That means if your child’s in a car wreck, if your child has a congenital heart defect or something and needs an ICU bed, or more likely if they have Covid and need an ICU bed, we don’t have one. Your child will wait for another child to die,” Jenkins said. “Your child will just not get on the ventilator, your child will be CareFlighted to Temple or Oklahoma City or wherever we can find them a bed, but they won’t be getting one here unless one clears.”

Putting kids under 12 in school without basic mitigation is freaking insane.

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What’s more inconvenient for kids? Wearing masks in school or quarantining and remote schooling for weeks at a time?

one doesn’t prevent the other

It does if a bunch of kids don’t wear masks.

maybe you should stay up on the science.

masking kids in school does nothing.

Anything that slows the spread during a raging period, is good medicine.
Sadly I predicted Health Systems buckling last week; they are now begining to do so.
A mask, really? A mask?
A Bio-Medical lockdown State, really?
I don’t see masks as our enemy, but our REAL enemies are watching us look very, very stupid, and very, very weak.
“Cough, cough…”