Delta hitting kids hard

Looks like a simple process to an existing system including the duct.

Doesn’t look horrible expensive, either. (home UV light is about $99.99)

UV light technology has become so popular that health care providers are beginning to adopt it for keeping a facility germ and virus free.

David J. Brenner, Ph.D, is a Professor of Radiation Biophysics at Columbia University. In 2018, he and his team tested a specific type of ultraviolet light which can kill the flu virus in the air. LightStrike™ Germ-Zapping™ Robots are already being used in many hospitals across the globe. It can disinfect an entire patient room in as little as 20 minutes. It’s truly a revolutionary way to keep hospitals and health care facilities free of dangerous pathogens.

If you’re the administrator of a nursing home and your residents are at the greatest risk for the coronavirus it would be wise to entertain the idea of having multiple UV lights installed into the facilities duct work.

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Those guys would be great for jobs… at.CNN or MsNBC.

Plus all the infected illegals biden is distributing throughout red states especially Fla.

Libs aren’t serious about the covid other than to try and use it as a political weapon.

Gotta keep the mass mail in ballots going through midterms. Otherwise they are toast in the mid terms.

Pelosi knows it. She made some sort of statement about stepping down and said the announcement would probably come after the mid term elections. :rofl:


I hear a statement on the radio yesterday that kids are more likely to die of the flu or being struck by lightning than by the variant.

If so then the dems are purely playing politics with the whole thing. Gotta keep people scared to control them…and keep those shaky mass mail in ballots going.


That was Clay Travis, whoever he is.

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I think Travis and Buck Sexton replaced Limbaugh. Sometimes i listen to them if i happen to be in the car.

Sometimes a different more local channel. Seldom listen to the radio if not driving.

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Illegals are being stored in school basements

Being apprehended. Why do you guys always forget that part. It’s a million people being stopped.

Not being stopped. Being ushered in for processing and to wait in the US for a policy initiative.

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Illegals are being helicoptered in to conservative districts by Biden/Soros to infect people because that will help Biden ummm help him to something something…

Your post didn’t disagree with what i said. Just qualified it. Thanks.

You may be starting to get it, but some of your details are your own ideas. For instance, i don’t think anyone but you has enlisted helicopters.

[quote=“FreeAndClear, post:440, topic:239836, full:true”]

You: It’s a million people being stopped.

Me: Not being stopped.

You: Your post didn’t disagree with what i said.

You should change your moniker.

[quote=“Paul_Thomson, post:442, topic:239836, full:true”]

They are being ushered for processing. That’s called being stopped. What happened after that is procedure…

Again you agreed with me and then tried to qualify it… thanks

FreeAndClear in Wonderland.

Let’s try it again. If a person is arrested and convicted in federal court and is then sent to a different state to serve out conviction. Does that mean they are being ushered or are they in stopped … detained. … etc


They aren’t in jail.

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They are in detention

:rofl: No they arem’t.