Day of reckoning

If this investigation turns up no evidence of a crime but does not exonerate Comey, McCabe, Strzok etc., should Congress start an investigation?


All the more reason for the president to do as he said and declassify the warrants. Then we can all see if they are, in fact, based on the inaccurate information you allege.

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What on earth are you talking about? It’s very tiresome keeping up with your attempts at changing the subject constantly.

Trump is president, and his DoJ is in charge, so if his DoJ’s investigations turn up something bad that Democrats did, then it’s up to Trump and his DoJ to prosecute. And if they don’t, there’s no one to blame but them for not doing anything about it.

If we’re using the Benghazi Standard, we’ll need 7 more, just to make sure.

Do you doubt that they would, if the tables were turned?

The parts of the dossier surrounding Carter Page were correct.

I was in the middle of replying to you, but my reply goes much deeper than I have time to complete at the moment. Going out for the night, will respond at another time.

Will you be able to accept it when this attorney finds that there was abundant probable cause for the investigations?

Thanks for your response.

Mueller did not, in fact, agree that no data implied a crime. He said there was no crime of collusion but that is because collusion is not a criminal offense and it never has been one.

He cited 10 instances where Trump could possibly be charged with obstruction of justice, but he did not charge him due to not having the ability to do so. That can come from the DOJ or Congress, to him.

Barr decided, with no surprise at all, that Trump shouldn’t be charged. But that is as a sitting POTUS. Had Trump been a civilian he most probably would have been in jail already. And he may still wind up in a cell the minute he is not President. Which gives him great motivation to be reelected.

I believe the surveillance of Trump’s campaign has already been examined and found to be by the book. If they uncover some discrepancy in all of this those who broke the law should be charged with crimes, but I sincerely doubt this is anything more than a diversion. Still, I am in favor of enforcing the law.

If the Congress decides to prosecute or impeach Trump, which is their right, they need information to do it. That information not negotiable, they have the responsibility of oversight built into the Constitution and no single President should ever be worth destroying the checks and balances which have made this system of government so effective.


Did anyone really expect any different?

She encouraged a wrecking ball come on, Lucy.

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Actually there is nothing wrong with members posting the host information, not copy right laws are being violated.

But nice try at censorship.


This new investigation that is scheduled to happen seems unnecessary to me.

Right after Infrastructure Week.

Sounds like liberals are afraid of what Donald Trump can do when he wants to weaponize the DoJ against his opponents. We tried to tell you that you shouldn’t attack Donald Trump. You weren’t going to like Trump when he’s angry. Well, now you woke the dragon. Donald Trump is going to go after his political rivals like he goes after married women. Nothing can stop Donald Trump now that he’s ready to start fighting dirty.


Sure, go ahead…unlike donnie, we aren’t afraid.

Go find us some collusion.

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Hannity will no doubt discuss this tonight.

The email to Laycock from Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec arrived eight days before the FBI swore to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that it had no derogatory information on Steele and used his anti-Trump dossier to secure a secret surveillance warrant to investigate Trump’s possible ties to Moscow.

Officials tell me that Laycock immediately forwarded the information he received about Steele on Oct. 13, 2016, to the FBI team leading the Trump-Russia investigation, headed by then-fellow Special Agent Peter Strzok.

This was a week or so before FISA warrant was issued. It was sent to Strzok.


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And Barr is accused of a strained interpretation of the report.

No, Mueller didn’t make a determination on collusion because it is not a legal term. But Vol. I wasn’t needed to say that and drop it. He then went on and concluded “We applied the term coordination in that sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in the election interference activities”.
And Mueller nowhere states in the report that he would have charged Trump except for not having the ability to do so.