Day of reckoning

And Barr is accused of a strained interpretation of the report.

No, Mueller didn’t make a determination on collusion because it is not a legal term. But Vol. I wasn’t needed to say that and drop it. He then went on and concluded “We applied the term coordination in that sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in the election interference activities”.
And Mueller nowhere states in the report that he would have charged Trump except for not having the ability to do so.

I too want to know what the oranges of this thing is. I hope we find out soon… I don’t want them to keep us in suspenders.


I believe we already know they did.

Every liberal who follows Trump knows he is a bully and like most bullies he is a coward no one need fear.

He’ll threaten and posture for a while and then fold when the going gets tough. It’s what he has done every time. Expecting Trump to fight to the end is like expecting to make a deal. Never happens.

Then when he tweets his empty victory brag you will cheer.

Up until now he hasn’t had an AG who would prosecute his political rivals. Barr just might do what the president wants. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

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What percentage of Russian interference helped the Democrats v helped Trump?

Nope- that’s your job now…

Our job is to expose and pull out the roots of corruption, such as abuse of FISA, top levels of our intel and law enforcement agencies and any other groups that worked to undermine our Constitution after Obama reign of terror.

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This is all i have to say about that:

If nothing wrong happened, then I’m sure dimocrats won’t mind trump ordering people to do it in 2020.

Thanks in advance.

Go for it…

Were you expecting me to say something different?

You perfectly described the Mueller probe when you said, “Of course, the folks who will be doing this work are not honest brokers…and we’ll see only the stuff they want us to see.”


What do you think those lawyers cost? A number of Trump supporters have been financially ruined for the crime of being…Trump supporters.



Because it was BARR blocking us from seeing what he didn’t want us to see.

What exactly did Mueller block?

What “number”?

Name a few.


They got the fact that Page has made several trips to Russia correct, but that was not hidden information. Page proudly told everyone who wanted to know that.

The dossier alleged he was a Russian agent.That was absolutely FALSE and that was the important part - the REASON he needed to be spied upon, according to the FBI.


The only things that Barr have blocked are those things THE LAW says he must block. And he has allowed the Dems to come and look at those things in a SCIFF.

None of them have taken him up on that. They don’t want to see them. They want to use them as a political talking point, instead.

They look like fools and their contempt citation will be rejected by the courts.


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“Contempt of Congress” is not justiciable. No court has the power to “reject” it.

Jerome Corsi, Carter Page, Michael Caputo , among others.

And it’s not just finacial ruin and the ruination of reputations but also death threats.

And YES, a subpoena can end up being extremely expensive for the innocent.


None of those people have been “financially ruined”.

Corsi is making more money now selling ■■■■■■■■ to people like you than he ever has before.

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