Coronavirus Thread Political II

I think you don’t know what Korea is doing.

Damn…you’re obsess with Wendy chili for some reason.

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Ohhhhhhh…thaaaaaaat chili. :sunglasses:

I never had it…I haven’t eaten at fast food joint in over 30 years.

I can’t say that but…it isn’t more than twice a year…if that? When I take long road trips, I’ll sometimes go to a fast food.

If I cannot identify what’s in it…I’m not eating it. :wink:

My wife would eat it occasionally when we first got together, which surprised me because she’s a health nut. I told her how they made it. Yesterday’s hamburger. She doesn’t eat it anymore.

…and that’s wise…no question about it.

14,000 new cases in the U.S today.

LOL…stuff that my older brother brought home to feed the pigs. :wink:

Apparently he’s been having lunch with other senators all week and was using the Capitol gym this morning.

We’ll overtake Italy by the end of next week. If not sooner.

Annonymous people with the intelligence agency have claimed that they gave information in January that the virus was worse in Wuhan (can we say that) than was being represented by China.
They were not medical experts, offered no plans of actions or treatments.

In fact, until January 22 China had been claiming that this did not spread from human to human.
WHO was on the ground there and not declaring this an world health emergency.
Congress was busy with an impeachment that was known was going to fail and not looking at this at all.

Trump was ahead of the curve and putting up with charges of xenophobia and worse to try to stop this from spreading to the US.

Stop looking at the currently known curve of the disease and what we are doing now and pretending that everybody (who was silent then) knew exactly what needed to be done then.


yes and yes.

ny never had enough tests. for a long while they didn’t have any. now they are worried about exposing hc workers, and running out of tests and supplies and are say “if someone calls with symptoms, don’t test them - tell them to stay home”.

Which isn’t as effective IMO as telling people they are positive…

No they aren’t.


Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease. The 19th one.

The roman numerals in the titles implies a serious record though. Can’t wait for Thread X

Seriously? That’s hilarious.

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