China about to strike Taiwan

And we wouldn’t even have to take the blame! :grin:

Those pushing the China/Taiwan narrative hardest were also heavily invested in keeping Iraq/Afghanistan/Iran warmongering going. This is no different. It’s all and only about keeping the dollars flowing to the defense contractors.

Thanks again.

I would submit a minor quibble on #2: I suspect that there is a high tolerance (relatively speaking) on the part of China to accept death and destruction.

Perhaps, but I also think we would be wise to take China ot their word vis a vis Taiwan specifically, and 9 Dash generally.

I agree that Xi and his inner circle have no problem with a good chunk of China’s military and civilian population being ground into cannon fodder. The Chinese people, just like our population, doesn’t really have a point of reference for what a war on their soil would entail. Leaders start wars, but the people pay the price.

I think wars should be fought, won and ended. BUt at least you agreed about Obama admin giving Putin Crimea with no fight. They did not even saber rattle. Or arm Ukraine…

Crimea wasn’t Obama’s to give away.


The craziest thing about Xi to me is that he is intentionally emulating Mao in many ways. Xi’s father spent years in a “reeducation” camp during the Mao era; he was a middle ranking official in the CCP during the Mao era.

One would think that the son of a man who suffered at the hands of such a tyrant such as Mao would do his best to avoid styling himself like his father’s oppressor. But he’s done exactly that. He is becoming Mao.

He doesn’t think he’s Mao. He thinks he’s Genghis Khan.

That’s even worse.

A totalitarian regime, with no hesitation to oppress it’s own, has no restraint oppressing others. How many of these have we seen throughout history. There is always some power seeking world domination by force.

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The moment they “went for it,” China would invade claiming self-defense. If they don’t have the deterrent now, they will never have it.

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I know Australia is getting pretty nervous, they figure they are next on the menu.

A lot of unrest right now in the Solomon Islands. China establishing influence on Guadalcanal.

We’re on it.

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$17 billion. Chip fab facilities don’t come cheap.

I hope this is just the start. It is a good idea to bring that capability in house.


Not likely. Vietnam, Malaysia, Phillipines, even Japan would be eaten first

Make no mistake, they are already on the menu.

I think China will shoot itself in the foot if they take over Taiwan. I think they will lose big time if they do.

I figure it will be the final blow to companies using them to make things for them any more, they will move to safer areas, maybe India…

I wonder if the Taiwanese have bio-weapons that will be unleased on China’s mainland as a “dead hand” move? Their population is so concentrated, it might wipe them out.

Well, they won’t have the “One child” policy any more…

Might want to watch the Australian Sixty Minutes piece titled “Poking the Panda”.