Attention MAGA - This is Big Picture What Your Mancrush Is Actually Doing

Because the POTUS is not elected by popular vote and we have a system for dealing with usurpers.

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So you are admitting the gravity of the situation at last and that it will redefine you as a nation.
I thought you were vehemently opposed to being ruled by a king (so sad that word is used for Donald Trump of all people).
So some redefining of what kind of country you are may be in order going forward.

But what happens when the potus does not accept the results of an election, who are you then.

What is important is to participate in our democratic republic as informed citizens who hopefully know something about the history of our country.

Just seems better to me than living only in the moment like a dog.

The bottom line here is all other presidents prior have conceded their loss and attended the incoming inauguration.
He lost in court any challenges and still won’t concede.
Why is this ok.

All but Trump accepted the will of the people.
All but Trump is in legal jeopardy for actively trying to change the results in certain states.
You can argue how unfair life is for Donald trump but you can’t say he has accepted his election loss.

It’s up to voters how they are influenced but once they cast their final ballot the results are binding.
Why won’t he accept his loss?

Trump left the white house. His attending the inauguration was not needed. There is a thing called freedom of speech in the United States that your country must not have. Trump and any citizen can say and think whatever they want, and it is not illegal. There is no rule that out going Presidents have to attend the inauguration of anyone. Obama spied on trump before he took office and you are fine with that.
I gave you examples of past democrat losers still crying that they were cheated out of the office. But in your eyes because they are democrats that is different. Maybe you need to let go of the hate for a man that has no effect on your life.
Hillary is out there today still crying about the election being stolen from her. Jbiden called trump an illegitimate president for over four years. Hillary is out there today saying if jbiden loses in 2024 it will be because the GOP cheated. Jbiden who is supposed to represent the whole country daily calls half the country evil and states they must be destroyed. The DOJ silenced conservative voices in 2020 and you have no problem with all of that.
Why is it you are ok with all the dirty deeds of the democrats?

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He left the white house. Seems he accepted the results. But just like hillary, gore, kerry and many other democrats he did not believe the results. You seem to give all the democrats a pass but want to hold trump to a higher standard. You really need look into your tds.

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Why won’t hillary?

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The facts say otherwise.

Sure thing cos Hilary is chief instigator of stop the steal isn’t she.

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By the way you know you can go online and see her phoning Trump to concede the election don’t you.
You can see she attended his inauguration you can also see Trump did none of these things.
In short he refused to accept the will of the people. Still does.

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The US. It doesn’t matter if he accepts them or not. Who is sleeping in the WH tonight?

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Informed about slavery? When they can’t read?

It’s not the first time you have done that. Don’t apologize, just stop doing it.

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To make them illiterate so they can’t independently expose the lies they are being taught.


Do you seriously think that if school kids are not taught about slavery and Jim Crow that those things will be repeated in this country? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You are right. But when history is weaponized to shame and punish contemporary people, particularly school children, it is no better than those actions and policies were when they were in force.