Are You Paying Attention? While Everyone is Busy With Ukraine

You might want to wait until something is proven before trotting out the adjectives. People might see symptoms of another “derangement” syndrome if you are not careful.

This whole flap is cover for Biden. It all began when Biden opened his yap bragging about his part in the firing of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General.

They sacrificed Biden. They don’t think they can beat Trump at the box.

China deal?

It’s gonna be much, much bigger than the Ukrainian thing.


Don’t count biden out yet.

I’d be more worried about warren’s standing going down.


Biden’s done. They were looking for an excuse to dump him. He can’t come back from all this.


The only way Biden recovers is if everyone else flames out due to an even bigger series of scandals.

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Its gonna be yuuuggggeeee?

Nobody cares except you guys

The biggest. Like ever!!!

You care.

Not about the Biden hype. Classic misdirection. It’s all been debunked

That’s ridiculous.

Nothing has been debunked. he coerced the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor for a billion dollar pay off benefiting the company his son worked for.

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You got em now

Pelosi’s trick will have to be convincing America that it was bad for Trump to request an investigation by Ukraine without keeping reminding America the reason he was requesting an investigation.

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Will see if he get pounced by the other candidates in the next debate, if they want to beat him they need it.

Joe’s already done all the damage that can be done running his own mouth.

They can all pretend to take the high road now and let Joe just fade away.

I always love it when Clinton Cash guy gets cited.

It’s like there’s only three wells for you to go back to… repeatedly.

why would hunter register as a foreign agent did he work on behalf of the Chinese government