Antifa. Our common enemy

You see, when conservatives denounce them and personally confront racism, it tends to hide. Your encouragement of ANTIFA has them growing in numbers…nice job.

rp5x5 knows who here is paid and who isn’t.

She’s said so many times now.

I expect a huge Glenn Beck-style reveal any day now…

Why do you think their wearing masks?:thinking:

Dude. I have not yet tried to speak for you. I don’t claim to know what you do or do not like. I deserve the same consideration that I give to you. I agree with your stance on violence. For the record. I would love to be surrounded by five or six Antifa wussies. It would be great to see the reaction of rest after the first two who lay a hand on me go down.

I’d like to see these Antifa show up in NYC one day and be violent. That would be worth the price of admission.


Oh so batman and spiderman and the lone ranger were all wusses?

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Ask Antifa. What is their excuse?

Just don’t stand in the “Useful Idiot” Line.

I think you are right. :grin:

I have already said I disagree with them earlier in the thread. But you say I own them.

I dont you know, we both know that.

I believe in protest of the peaceful variety. If any Antifa break the law, they need to be arrested.



To avoid ID later after all their beatings. Any and all videos would be kind of useless for ID purposes later because of the masks.

As long as you agree that Unite the Right is one of the ideologies of Trump supporters, right? If we’re gonna broad brush, lets get a paint brush large enough to make sure Trump supporters also get theirs.

Not a chance!

They prefer unopposed violence. Against small groups or private property. When there is a well equipped force to oppose them, they behave themselves. As was shown yesterday. The helmets and masks they brought to their protests the other day turned out to be useless. They had to resort to mere screaming.

white supremacists are in fact Trump supporters. LOL.

David Duke admires him very much.

If we own the anfifa, Trump supporters own white supremacy.


That nonsense. America First, has nothing to do with race or color.

For all we know, Jason Kesseler is a leftist operative.

Here’s a grouping and labeling.

Here’s another.

Here’s yet another.

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I dunno. It sure appears that Laura Ingram and Unite The Right appear to be in agreement.

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All 15 of them