A true piece of garbage just won the Republican runoff primary for Georgia's 14th Congressional District

I am fairly certain that Lisa Kudrow and Julia Louis Dreyfuss have a haplogroup in common. But i won’t bet anything on it

The at least share access to the French billionaire class.

The Louis-Dreyfus clan has been in France/Germany [the oft-swapped Alsace region) a long, long time.

Kudrow’s family is from Byelorus. Quite literally, the Pale.

Who can say?

A genetic test? Yeah took a class in French history in college and learned that Ms. Drefuss is related to the Dreyfuss affair.

So that they can define ethnicity is what i am arguing and my question has been throughout this - at what point does genetic uniformity create an ethnic class.

Not in good ways, to this day Dreyfus(s) means Jew in France.

I would say in the case of the Hmong or Hopi, clearly there is an ethnicity.

As far as Jewishness: never, except for Kohanim and Levites. A person who identifies as Jewish is a ‘middle easterner/Afrosemitic’, ‘Indo-European’, Persian, South African or South Asian (there is an intriguing population in Manipur State, the Meiteis) with a Jewish identity.

The Jewishness is both revocable and discardable. The Indo-European common hapligroups are not. The ethnicities are largely not. A Lemba remains Lemba (and Black) whether or not he identifies as Jewish or retains his South African citizenship. Sammy Davis Jr died as a Jew. But if he’d returned to Satanism in the final weeks of his life, he would not have died a Jew.

Right so the standard is subjective. That Jewishness can and does exist as an identity imo does not preclude the fact that I can be ethnically Jewish while having no identity at all. Yes it makes Jewishness unique. By the way are Romani an ethnicity?

Can I use this as a counter argument?

Interesting…very interesting.

Yes…that’s is what OP is saying. I find that very interesting since I’m familiar with OP past comments on this subject. :wink:

We do not and will not reach the same conclusion, Free. It is not a matter if personal discretion, and it has far-reaching consequences if Jewishness becomes even further confused with Germanic and Slavic palingenesis and palingenetic ethnonationalism. These are poisons; humanity-killing toxins. To the extent that Israel has embraced both, and abandoned a working, cosmopolitan Jewishness, is that same Israeli project become a fascist-falangist, easily-used, paranoid settler state. There is a reason nearly one fifth of all sabras have decamped to India, Canada, Europe and the US.

I almost brought up the Romani as a counter illustration, because it so different from Jewishness. Romani is ethnic, and exclusive. Not born to a Romani clan? Never Romani. All Romani clans are traceable to northern India. They have universal Vedic purity traditions, even among Muslim and Orthodox groups. There are consanguinary within clans, and all have a common origin. You cannot convert to Romani. A Romani cannot marry outgroup, in most cases, and remain within a clan. They will still be Roma, but under ban.

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Like what?

Thank you for an awesome discussion

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It was a Q joke, capitalized Q in questions.

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Is this s report from the same FBI that pushed a fraudulent FISA warrant to scuttle the choice of the US nation for president? Does Q support the president they tried to oust? Hmmm. I wonder why they might want to demonise Q?

She may be, but the Politico video showed her complaining about gang membership in black areas. Is that inherently racist? If one says the gang attitude is damaging to blacks is that going to be racist? I sort of expected she was going to be for a return of Jim Crow laws, the way they were going on about her being racist.

Actually, it was an article talking about a leaked FBI memo that yahoo news supposedly wrote an article about.

No links to the actual memo, in the linked article that you are referring to. At least none that I saw.

Ugghhh - there are days I have to do a double facepalm when I admit I’m from GA. First we had the guy that thought Guam was going to tip over. Then we had the Rep who decided it was a good idea to get into it with the Capitol Police Officer several years back. Now we have this idiot.

At least Trump gave us some reprieve and the worst president in modern times is no longer from GA. Got to find something positive I guess.

She is a quintessential Karen.

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Ok, I thought maybe I was reading to much into the statement, at least my reading comprehension hasn’t suffered because of the pandemic.

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