2nd Unite the Right Rallies Slated for Charlottesville and DC

So change the signage under the statues to reflect what really happened if they were glorifying people inappropriately.

It’s funny, you said almost the exact same thing that Hillary said, except you said they aren’t good people and Hillary said they are deplorable. Then she went on to say that there are many (your words), “the other basket” (her words), that are not racist and homophobic and sexist. But hey, that’d different, right?

Yeah… why there were ever statues to Nathan Bedford Forrest I will never know… Well I do know… but I hate the answer.

Well, generally, yes: most people who self-identify as “constitutional conservatives” (which is feel-good, glittering generality, a few syllables removed from “fan of mother’s milk”) also identify with the right, not the left.

In any case, from John Calhoun up through the Civil Rights era, conservatives (in both political parties) have often opposed federal intervention in issues like integration and civil rights by using “constitutional conservative” arguments: that the the federal government is overstepping its boundaries, that states’ rights and local control are not being respected, that the judiciary is out of control, the freedom of association is not being respected by the federal government, etc.

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So many of these debates wouldn’t even exist if conservative America wasn’t a barren wasteland devoid of empathy. How much effort does it take these “proud” right wingers to place themselves in the shoes of a young black child growing up in a state that lionizes traitors who went to war with America in order to maintain what they saw as a God given right to own slaves? This really shouldn’t be hard, but it’s the same trolling attitude that led to the rise of Trump.

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The same hold true for me. Leave the statue, change the educating materials around it to reflect reality rather than glorify the man.

His is a perfect example of the bad history that needs remembered.

So don’t use the monuments to lionize. Use them to educate.

My opinion is that the localities should have the only say in what does and doesn’t happen to the statues.

It is a Municipal issue, not a State or National one.

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Removal or replacement is good with me. History wont be forgotten because some statues got removed.

We still remember Hitler without having statues of him.

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Save your rant for those defending racists. I have not seen a post defending racists yet.

I’m much more supportive of this method as well.

But the addition I would make is that if a local community decided to remove a monument then there needs to be a national park type place where they get moved to, not destroyed.

So let me ask this, why was Trump’s statement so general? How else (besides someone (or radio) having to interpret his statement) does one see this on the surface? No one should have to interpret what Trump was implying. If Trump was talking about heritage, then just say it.

There were no specifics in his statement. No condemning the neo-Nazis or racists. No nothing. His inactions was tip-toeing around a situation that he should out-right condemn the views of the Unite the Right racists.

It’s too bad that so many want to tear down history to provide their selfish, fragile, snowflake selves a “safe space”.

Same for Democrat kkk leader Robert Byrd.
Same for the creator of “the Negro Project” and founder of the organization that targets unborn black babies for extermination, Margaret Sanger.

Oh… my mistake … you still have your heros’ statues up.

You are trying to tiptoe around the issue and win internet points by implying that there were some non racists happily attending a rally that was organized by, for and in support of racists.

Not really good ground to be on.

It is boggling that you think it makes sense.

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My my how you’ve deflected to a dead Democratic politician being a racist in under 75 posts.

Have you condemned Unite the Right yet?

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When the rally is over, we’ll see who attended and make a judgement call. I’d rather let the evidence shape my opinion than lib rhetoric that attempts to label those they don’t like as…racists and Nazi for all of their sheeple and then attempt to shame those who don’t fall in line. it’s weak my friend and that’s…“sad”.

History still exists.

There is no need to celebrate and glorify traitors to this country who fought to protect the institution of chattel slavery.

Yeah…let’s tear down statues.

Did you complain when the Iraqi people tore down the statue of Saddam Hussein?

Its history. Or were those people “snowflakes”?

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