2nd Unite the Right Rallies Slated for Charlottesville and DC

I don’t agree with destroying statues. Simply move them to museums.

I have said just a few posts ago.

The statues are a local issue.

If they want to keep them up or take them down… either is fine by me.

What Statues Canada has does not concern me one bit.

Unite the Right 2, is being put on by the same White Supremacist who did the first. These are white supremacist rallies.

l[quote=“Jezcoe, post:27, topic:9527, full:true”]

I have responded to that line of reasoning before. This is how it goes.

Say you have no idea that the “Unite the Right” rally was organized by White Supremacists to advance the cause of White Supremacy.

I will give someone that level of ignorance.

Say they don’t have any communication devices to the outside world like a smart phone, radio, Television, internet… and they missed the “Jews will not Replace Us” Tiki torch rally the night before.

Sure… I will give some one that.

The second though that someone who shows up in that ignorance of the events leading up to the rally and sees people breaking out the Swastikas and other symbols of White Power and that person doesn’t turn around right there… then they are fine with marching in support of racist ■■■■■■■■■

There really is no excuse.

Quoted for being the ****ing truth.

That’s not what these guys are.

Some of them are now-NAZIs, the rest are Neo-Confederates.

There were over 170,000 free blacks who fought to free their enslaved brethren.

Why do we always forget that by the end of the war 10% of the Union army consisted of black units?

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I wish someone would tell this to Trump supporters:


Which is irrelevant, as they were still fighting for the right to own slaves.

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“Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be suspended without pay!”

Donald’s running the NFL now?

Do “neo-confederates” advocate slavery or oppression of races?

…except those who weren’t.

If you were fighting for the confederacy, then by default, you were fighting for the right to own slaves. There are no two ways around that.

You are mistaken. You pretend that you know the mind of the regular soldier. If he lived in the south, he fought for his home whether he supported slavery or not. He just as likely thought “we will fight, win, and push to abolish slavery through lawful means”.

Really really super stupid.

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lol …

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Says the hive.



Why should he, unless he’s Iraqi?


Rewriting history isn’t going to work.

What you contend is such in the realm of super stupid that you have found a new unexplored corner of it.