Did hillary clinton Accept An award Named After a racist Black Baby Killing Enthusiast?

Did someone force these black women to abort? Did this happen against their will?

You know there are more white abortions than black abortions? Where is your faux outrage for them or do you only concern yourself with one race?

You know this just isn’t true, right?

Was Margaret Sanger a racist? - PubMed

From wiki…sounds like a raging racist! :roll_eyes:

Sanger worked with African American leaders and professionals who saw a need for birth control in their communities. In 1929, James H. Hubert, a black social worker and the leader of New York’s Urban League, asked Sanger to open a clinic in Harlem.[73] Sanger secured funding from the Julius Rosenwald Fund and opened the clinic, staffed with black doctors, in 1930. The clinic was directed by a 15-member advisory board consisting of black doctors, nurses, clergy, journalists, and social workers. The clinic was publicized in the African-American press as well as in black churches, and it received the approval of W. E. B. Du Bois, the co-founder of the NAACP and the editor of its magazine, The Crisis. [74][75][76][77] Sanger did not tolerate bigotry among her staff, nor would she tolerate any refusal to work within interracial projects.[78] Sanger’s work with minorities earned praise from Martin Luther King, Jr.

They might hold off on “feminazi” for a bit until that attack on the judge’s family is forgotten. So a couple more days.

I’m curious as to how many African Americans you think there are alive today in the US. Because it’s not 11 million. Which would be half of your 22 million convenience kills claim. For reference, you said 22 million was almost twice as many as blacks are alive today.

I dont think your source is the definitive judge as to what is and is not racism.

She created a program specifically to reduce black births. It’s been mentioned here and proven before.

Some are finally accepting the truth.

No matter how the leftist media tries to spin this, negative eugenics aimed at black people is racist.

You’re gonna have to take it up with planned genocide. They’re the ones removing her statues and name from streets and…

I say leave the statues, stop the abortions.


Black lives matter? The unborn dead laugh.

Because of her thoughts on Eugenics. Nothing to do with race.


Hit the nail on the head there.

Nope. No one is gonna watch it.

Who cares, the child being killed is never given a choice.

I object to all elective abortions regardless of race but I’m not promoting the lives of one race over all others either like BLM.

Of course it’s true no matter what “pub med” says.

She was a Eugenicist and believed blacks were an inferior/sub human race.

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Hitler was real big on birth control for those he deemed inferior too.

Abortion is not birth control, it is birth prevented by killing of the unborn.

Why is that? What conservatives are cheering those murders?

You have any direct quotes? You know she has been praised by various black leaders, including MLK right?

Which has to do with Sanger how? You know she was against abortion right?

based on…,what?

I’ll happily correct myself. “Black Children”.

No she wasn’t.