2nd Unite the Right Rallies Slated for Charlottesville and DC

So what is “the right?” Do people think a Constitutional Conservative should lumped in with “the right?”

If anyone thinks so, then you may as well lump the Sierra Club and Exxon Oil with the label of “environmentalists.”

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The majority by far, of those that died freeing the slaves…were white. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…

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This post appears to be deceptive.

Your quoted reference to Trumps words were not referencing white supremacists.

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How many innocent protestors will be labeled racist and Nazis?

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If you want to use the big tent analogy, then yeah. Of course not everyone or even most on the right are racists, but they’re in the tent with the rest of you all.

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If you don’t want to be labeled a white nationalist, it probably best not to march in an event sponsored by white nationalists.

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I have responded to that line of reasoning before. This is how it goes.

Say you have no idea that the “Unite the Right” rally was organized by White Supremacists to advance the cause of White Supremacy.

I will give someone that level of ignorance.

Say they don’t have any communication devices to the outside world like a smart phone, radio, Television, internet… and they missed the “Jews will not Replace Us” Tiki torch rally the night before.

Sure… I will give some one that.

The second though that someone who shows up in that ignorance of the events leading up to the rally and sees people breaking out the Swastikas and other symbols of White Power and that person doesn’t turn around right there… then they are fine with marching in support of racist ■■■■■■■■■

There really is no excuse.


Dude, its really sad that you wont denounce these neo-nazis and racists.

It isn’t difficult to condemn these idiots but why do trump supporters have such hard time doing so?

Those participating in protests meant to whitewash the ugliness of the Confederacy do a fine job of labeling themselves.

The wack-a-doodle left conflated a Republican saying “make America great again,” with the Democratic Party’s racial discrimination hay days, when they were promoting slavery and implementing their black code laws. Deception is the progressive left’s go to tactic.


It really is weird.

Ive done this dance with Ish before. He knows.

There is no excuse.

I think the point was that not everyone that protests history being removed has to be a racist. There are those that can respect even the ugly parts of history because it is ours.

As another example. I don’t love what we did to the Indians as we were taking over the west. But I don’t want all of it removed from sight either. We need to remember what we have done, good and bad, so we can learn from it.


And if those symbols of hate show up at the corner of Constitution and 15th, will you hold the people at 17th and E street responsible? The lib media will show a hate symbol at a few places so as to label every conservative within a 10 mile radius a hater. They know what deception you will swallow. They know what deception you will further promulgate. And they will feed you that stuff just like you are a man starving.

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And the ugliness of the Democrat party? What about that?

I think a distinction should be made with remembrance, and celebration. To me and many others, these statues are celebratory in nature, to an ugly past.

Museums are the places for these statues, not public land.

It is quite amazing how much stupid someone will sink themselves into to win internet points.

Racist ■■■■■■■■ are not a hill worth defending.