Your President is STILL a pervert


you can bet that they’d stay in the high grass if their authoritarian lords didnt get them their conviction

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because they convince just enough idiots to believe them


And the drug companies covered the loss by charging more for other drugs … which will probably remain at the higher price when the freeze has expired.

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How many people did that apply to?

Hint: Hardly any.

Yeah thanks for posting that. It points out why Crooked Donald’s rule helped very few people with insulin prices, if not zero people, actually.

If Trump is elected I will move to Canada. :wink:


because Biden blocked it

As a mom, had anyone done that when my son was a baby, I’d be livid. THAT is disgusting!


Too bad the child’s verbal skills prevented him/ her from calling Joey Blockhead an ■■■■■■■■
Bambini are very protective of the “Nin” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thought the pacifier thing was satire.


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Nope. Because it only affected the people who got health care from government low income clinics. Which is about 11% of the US population. And since they were at government low income clinics most of them were getting it free anyway.

Typical Maga, Crooked Donald makes a show of doing nothing, magadonia makes a show of pretending it solved everything.

That order did not help or affect 89% of the US population, the people out there paying for healthcare in the medical marketplace.

Stick with it!

Who did that order apply to, Wu?

Read it!

Hint: it didn’t apply to the vast vast majority of Americans.

But you do Maga, it suits you very well :wink:

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Yaboi blocked it. Why?

Because he was the new president by beating Crooked Donald at the ballot box and he gets to do that.

Who did it help?

Hint: Nobody.

It’s funny that you did a maga Google though, and couldn’t post it fast enough because you believed it applied to all the American people paying for insulin, without even a cursory reading of the order.

So maga :clap: :+1:

nope, thats the only people who got AFTER Biden blocked it. Typical leftists… doesn’t know the truth, so they make it up.

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No Ben. Crooked Donald wrote an order affecting low income government clinics. And most of those people were getting it free anyway, from those federal clinics.

Read Crooked’s Executive Order.

you are just wrong. The low income clinics were the ONLY ones getting it AFTER Biden blocked Trumps changes. Before he blocked them the same thing would have happened then as is now, only Biden would not get credit for it.

Why are leftists so damned gullible?

Nope. You haven’t yet read Crooked Donald’s slim order.