Your President is STILL a pervert

Those tend to be the most disgusting types. And then there’s the excuse makers.

they dont care.

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Lol Wu, try fact checking before breathlessly running to social media.

Questionable tales from the internet.


fact check: biden took showers with his daughter

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Yep, that’s the story being put out for your consumption.

Look at the top picture.

The article was before this other picture too. Mildly interested to see if it’s actually true.

Fact check : Biden puts a baby pacifier in his mouth

The baby looked on, confused.

A god (D)og does what it’s told. :wink:


I’m with you both!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

** crickets from the kid sniffer enablers**


your candidate tells whopper lies over and over and you dont seem to care.
from his truth social
todays trump lie and its a whopper. it takes a special kind to want to join a ticket with someone that les like that
from truth social
Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten for millions of Americans by me, and the Trump Administration, not by Crooked Joe Biden. He had NOTHING to do with it. It was all done long before he so sadly entered office. All he does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case, ME!

biden capped insulin at $35 . but i suppose trump supporters like being lied to over and over. they revel in their ignorance

Brandon froze it for 6 months.

Add another failed flameout to the list.

The Orange Gayzers always come crawling back. :rofl:


Hi Moonshine! Good to see you.

What changed? :rofl:

Whispers from snakes in the grass, addiction, withdrawal, etc… :wink:

Ah…you know! The thing!

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why do leftists lie so damn much?