Your President is STILL a pervert

and you have drank the kool aid… long ago


I’m glad you’re here. I wouldn’t know what I believe without you.

Yaboi blocked it. Doesn’t matter if it was one.

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That is not the only thing he did and you seem to be leaving out the part where he was expanding the program to cover more people and Nancy and chucky stopped him (couldn’t let trump help their poor people). he also put regulations in place for medicaid and medicare for insurance providers to voluntarily cap out of pocket expenses to $35. Many did and that affected more people than the order. It was a pilot program designed to prove the concept to insurers before the rules were extended to them. Everything Biden is taking credit for was started by and planned by Trump.


Wax Museum Joe Biden 3.5 version


I thought it was a life-size cardboard cutout until he blinked. :smile:

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there’s a difference?