Young Swedish Climate Change Activist Nominated for Nobel Prize

I believe you.

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You are really stretching there with that comparison. But who really cares if she

Guns and ammo are not real. Got it.

:joy: I couldnā€™t have set it up better myself.

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Not really a stretch. Feedback loop of belief over science.

I have an easier time believing implanted goat testicles cure impotence than that the climate will be markedly different in 20, 50, or 100 years.


Thatā€™s actually true. You have to put them in sea turtle soup.

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Here, let me fix that awful grammar for you:

You can buy a degree, but college does not make one, ā€œwell educated.ā€
Everyone I work with is college educated, but they donā€™t even know proper grammer. The Trumps are some of the dumbest people on the planet.


i also detect a degree of fear here fear that maybe, just maybe, people are listening. I work in the oil and gas sector and i do detect she, and her like, are starting to take note. The UK offshore sector is aiming at carbon neutral by 2035 so people are listening

This is why children shouldnā€™t be paraded around by their parents for political purposes, especially on topics like this, because if one criticizes that the world will not end in 12 years they are accused of attacking a child.

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A little dose of reality.

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Criticism is fine, she enters the political arena she is opening herself to criticism but personal vindictive attacks against a 16 year old. Sorry that does not sit well with me.

But I suppose that worthless piece of crap Dā€™Souza comparing her to a Nazi is fair game.

I cant say that I really care for the girl. When my daughters were 16 I wanted them to be enjoying life not worrying about the future of the world. Though one of them was very political at 16. Now at 21 she is married and her husband is although only 24 is very well connected politically.

I find it completely bizarre because when I was 21 last thing I cared about was politics. Drinking and the pursuit of women was my focus. Though the pursuit of women was many times an abject failure!!!

How dare you. That poor girl. Her childhood must be so tough compared to all the child soldiers, factory workers, and sex slaves out there. Hell, she had to embark on an all-expense-paid sailboat adventure across the ocean to yell at the one country doing jack crap to be less pollutive, because her life is so bad!

For ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  sake, sheeple! :rofl:

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Off script Greta canā€™t answer basic questions.

How ironic a Trump supporter complaining about Facebook pushing a false narrative. Really ???

I wonder how many on this forum would be knowledgeable without access to Google.

I dont believe for one moment that the facts and figures spouted on this forum by so many come from real study and understanding of a subject.


All kidding aside, I do feel bad for her and the way sheā€™s being used as an emotionally defensive prop.

If you think sheā€™s cringey, imagine the people-with-pockets who put this clown show together (because she and her parents sure as hell didnā€™t fund any of this on their own). Those with funding consciously decided to promote the girl with Autism for these antics, and the lib responses about criticism towards her are why. :wink:

Honey Boo Boo of the climate fetishists.


She should go into talk radio

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