Young Swedish Climate Change Activist Nominated for Nobel Prize

Now Trump supporters care about people pretending to know more than they actually do?

LOL at people having a meltdown over this, crazy.

Cha-Ching a big $$$$ payoff to her abusive parents! She’ll probably win because this prize has no substance anymore except for the $$BIG BUCKS$$ which makes it nothing more then a game show prize. :roll_eyes:

And what is wrong with these people, the Norwegian lawmakers think the weather is one of the most important causes for war, you just can’t make this stupid stuff up! :crazy_face:

I’m sure they’ll at least get her something nice as thanks. lol

Why is that odd?

It is all his D critics and “intelligence” swamp critters have been able to do…woefully ineffectively.

Down side of smear jobs is that the stain is all over the accuser and they miss the obvious evidence.

(footnoted you failed to pick climate over goat testicles.)


Who listens to a convicted felon like D’Souza? Only Low info types thats who

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I agree but for Trump supporters he is the pinnacle of intellectual discourse. He was hailed a hero by many on this board when he was convicted of a campaign finance violation.

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Who wouldn’t be jealous? When I threw tantrums as a child I was sent to my room, not paid 42 million dollars.


If someone is willing to pay her $42 million then more power to her.

Sure, getting paid to throw a tantrum is a sweet gig. Good for her.

Did you just answer your own question?

Isn’t that trump’s to win?

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Ding! Ding! Ding! Third reference to Former President Obama in this thread! You win a cupie doll!


Paid 42 million dollars… you gobble up that propaganda, don’t you?

Put some drawers on that thing!

Just like Obama did nothing for world peace and got a nobel prize, she did nothing either…

It should make even the most die hard global warming doomsayer scratch their heads when she gets in front of the UN and starts criticizing France and Germany on emissions but leaves China, India, US, and Russia out of the topic. It’s hyperbole virtue signaling.

I did some research into the Nobel Committee and found out the Committee is selected by the Norwegian Parliament. So it is a political committee by the way it is selected.

In addition Nobel prizes have been controversial going back to its earliest days.

Let me guess, you think the deep state now controls the Nobel Committee.

The phrase virtue signalling must have been said by Hannity, Levin or Rush recently because it suddenly cropping up a lot.