You can't hold in person elections -- you'll kill thousands! Well . . . ummm . . . maybe not

So…and I miss going to voting booths.

Let face it…it’s out of pure laziness.

Wasn’t the turn out like 3%?

Why do you equate making something easier and more accessible to being “lazy”?

Well the thing is, at least 23 of them (the article about the study) aren’t sure if they picked it up voting or other places. So you need to figure out how man ONLY picked it up voting and go from there. I’m betting same with the 40 (hey I’m being liberal and using that number now have you noticed) – you need to figure out how many were ONLY exposed at the polling location.

This isn’t a very good argument.

Because it is. I was honored going to voting booth…to follow the same footsteps as my father and fathers before em.

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Yeah the supposed Top Judges of the land told everyone that its ok to vote in Wisconsin and only 3% showed up because no one gives a damn what they say.

Don’t make me defend ephors please.

I understand truth hurts. Just like those that want to stay home and get paid. They want everyone else do the work for em.

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That’s fantastic. No one is taking away in person voting. We just want to give people the opportunity to participate in the voting process without putting them in danger. Yet, they would apparently be lazy.

Not fair.
You and I vote by mail.

In my state it was taken away from me.

You get your check yet? I see where Trumps name is on there.

And that luxury was taken away.


Bummer. Maybe walk back and forth to the mailbox a few times when voting. That way you won’t feel so lazy.

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What a weird turn this all took

The ephors, folks, they’re bad.

Seriously though screw them.

Not it wasn’t. You can still vote in person in WA. Every single county has one location

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Narrator: it wasn’t taken away.