You can't hold in person elections -- you'll kill thousands! Well . . . ummm . . . maybe not

Imagine having to leave the house with two children, one special needs, to drive past your usual but closed polling place to stand in a long line at an open poll across town just because Republicans hate America.


I believe that just means you can submit your mail-in ballot in person.

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Yes…I would have to drive to 919 Southwest Grady Way Renton, WA 98057. About 15 miles away from me as crow fly’s. But that’s not the point now is it?

The community involvement, the neighbors etc.

That’s the problem with libs. They talk about taking a village to raise a child…but libs don’t know anyone in there village.

With libs it’s all talk…and then deceive.

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We’ve got our own little village right here, on this forum. :slight_smile:


And just coincidentally low turnout helps the Republican Party win elections. I’m sure that’s a coincidence though, because you’re not Republicans, you’re nonpartisan conservatives who just happen to vote party line Republican in virtually every election.


It’s called being objective.

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Yes you do. Everybody here understands exactly why some people want to make voting difficult.

Oh, they won’t admit it, they’ll pretend it has something to do with preventing voter fraud but that’s total nonsense.

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We have a society where everyone expect “others” to do the work for em. They want no investment of their own time.

A society of spoiled ■■■■■■■ brats.

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So you have the choice of either voting in person, voting by mail, or voting and walking to the nearest Dropbox and not have to pay a dime…

None of which would actually remove the community involvement unless your community decides not to have involvement.

My second favorite thing besides assurances that they’re not Republicans. They don’t support people, just polices. The policies of the person who happens to be in power, but hey, still technically true.


Like everyone in a community creating a voting party so that YOU can feel nostalgic…?


Voting by mail is expecting others to do the work for them?

I don’t think I packed the bags for this trip.


The best kind of true.

Whatttttttt? No, that’s ridiculous. You’re being ridiculous.

how many people did the 40 infect?

Top judges only said the Governor didn’t have the authority, nor did the courts to change the law (aka date) of the election. A correct ruling from the supreme court.

Since that is not ballot harvesting then not like that. Maybe you should actually take time to learn what it is.

A clownish ruling by a clownish ruling body.

all the proof needed lies in how hard the democrats are pushing for it

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