Yes, it's time to push back against mask mandates

I’ve had the Rona. I feel perfectly safe going maskless. And I will do so at every opportunity.

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Take responsibility for your own protection instead of making an opportunity to tell others they have to do it your way.

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You should respect establishments that require masks, or just don’t go there.


Then you heard wrong. They have several docs they refer to when discussion medical issues. You should watch and judge for yourself.

Those are not my competitors

Plagues are not a private ethics problem.


I have my own medical community to consult with.

That is what the message has always been.

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So…once your competitors remove the mask mandate, you will follow suit?

I will keep wearing mine for the foreseeable future. Its my choice and I see no downside.


Wild concept!

I’ve heard that N95 masks work quit well. Which is what I wear.

Unless I “forget.” then they will be free to boot me out. And They have the right to do so.

Not a single one will not remove it until the state and county do

Well then I guess you get it.

And you should. My wife has been vaccinated and I have had the Rona. For me to wear one would be pointless.

I have been entirely consistent. Nothing has changed.

Inform the population. Let each make the decision that is best for them both as an individual and as a business. How I handle the virus may be just as effective (maybe more so) than how you do.

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What’s truly superb is that we’ve got a bunch of anti-abortion and drug warrior types suddenly discovering medical autonomy about masking against an airborne pathogen.


What! How the hell are we supposed to live without the government nanny taking care of us?

That’s just crazy talk!