Yes, it's time to push back against mask mandates

Private ethics, not for abortion, but all the way in for global pandemics.


Masks were never required around here. I never got a chance to push back. lol


Have you listened to public service announcements?

There never has been a reason to mandate masks. It always should have been optional. Compare states with lock downs and mask mandates to those who do not make them. Results the same.

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:slight_smile: I like this! Let everyone agree it is a choice.

No such thing as super spreader events.

No…those are “political communities”…not medical communities.

Tell me, @altair1013 what credentials do you have so that you know the vaccine is conferring sterilizing immunity upon those who have received it?

Can you cite any clinical studies to back your assertion that those who have received the vaccine can’t spread COVID?

People’s “Freeberty” stops when they endanger others…so maybe if you back your assertions with some science, you’d make better headway.

(Hint there are scientific arguments to be made).


Good for you! 15 states have no mask mandate.

The rabbits and in your area don’t judge you?

Remember last May when everyone in Missouri went out to the lake for the weekend and all the jealous libs in lockdown whined about it?

Freedom is awesome. :sunglasses:


Good lord. You know better than to ask such a stupid question. Have I EVER taken a purity test to prove my worthiness to a liberal? Try again.


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Like smoking crack?

It’s not my assertion. Can you cite any examples where vacinated people have spread Covid?

Don’t you live miles from anyone else?

As someone who recently spent a week in the hospital for respiratory failure due to a major asthma attack, I will not frequent businesses that are lax with their mask policy. This selfish attitude I see in a portion of culture in regards to wearing masks is just unfathomable. If I can wear a damn mask, on oxygen until my lungs get built back up further, with a lung capacity of 60% (but fortunately improving as my lungs recover), someone whose lungs are at 100% has no excuse.

Let me tell you - if you get in a situation from Covid where you go into respiratory distress or failure, you’ll wish you had taken more precautions. I could go into how oxygen deprivation can make you lose control of bodily functions and other fun things like that, but I know it will fall on deaf ears here. So I’ll just say prepare yourself - it will be quite the ride. You will learn a whole new definition of terror.


No, I live a 1/2 mile from my nearest neighbor and there are over 200,000 people in my surrounding area.

A drunk should be able to operate a motor vehicle. It’s the other drivers’ choice(s) to share the road with him. Right?

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Ain’t America great! Let each person asses their own risk. That’s the American way.

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You’ll have to ask someone who isn’t immune to randomly stupid questions. lol

It’s your rule. I’m testing its universality.

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