Yes, it's time to push back against mask mandates

Down like Donkey Kong.

I can absolutely guarantee you that every single one of my competitors enforces the same exact rule

I guess without perfect medcal unanimity, tyranny despotism pudding?

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It means that the medical and teaching professions have always had to be around those who are are sick.

Yes they can. The world is not a safe place. Let people make their own decisions regarding their own health. Forcing vaccinated people to mask seems like just a control tactic to me. And nobody is saying that YOU cannot wear a mask if you are still scared.

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And what do they think about wearing masks during a pandemic?

Masks are most effective when the vector is covered

Who is they? Newsflash, their is no “they.” They are all individuals with varying opinions. If “they” are pro mask, “they” can wear one. Problem, solved.

Ignoring the public health problem of contagious airborne plagues. Which, cuz freeberty, is your whole point.

An algorithm which never works the other way, curiously, with the private reproductive health decisions of women.


I treat everybody as a vector. According to the CDC (quoted by Sneaky), I have a 1 in 200 chance of dying if I become infected.

They are also useless to vaccinated people.

…who still carry transmissable viral loads.

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I haven’t heard many varying opinions from the medical community.

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Then you should protect yourself by wearing a mask. Nobody is telling you not to.

Some people tell YOU not to. You should respect that.


Want to say that in Florida and/or South Carolina and a few other states as well? Are you aware that States that have mask mandates and those who do not have the exact same Covid curves? Masks do not work, which is why many changed the message to, Masks can’t prevent you from getting the virus, but it may prevent you from spreading it. That insures the scared will insist the vaccinated and those who have already had it wear one as well. What is wrong with us? The scared do not want to label themselves as such by wearing a mask. If everyone wears one, they can pretend we all feel the same. We do not feel the same; we are all different. Let’s live with that. It is what the country was founded upon.


What “medical community?” There is no such thing. The “medical community” on Fox news has a different opinion form the “medical community” on CNN.

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Its about protecting others, not yourself

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Last I heard Fox news was not a medical community.

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