WSJ: Emails Show Roger Stone Seeking Clinton Emails from Wikileaks

which is why virtually every country with an intelligence agency hacked into it. To say the Russians hacked in is like saying Donald Trump was the only one who had sex with Stormy Daniels.

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So many “experts” are just plain computer illiterate.

Even the most obvious truths about this escape you.

The truth IS coming out though and alot of people are going to look like idiots publically.

There are some deep state evil souls who would rather have WW3 then the truth to come out.

Even when presented with the actual communication from a traditionally right leaning well respected publication you dont budge even an inch.

That is my problem with all you Trumpkins, you lot wont even concede to the fact that there are bad actors around Trump some who have even admitted guilt. The thought that somehow Trump is less then is too jarring for your brains to process.

But no its all or nothing!

I however stand by the FBI and our DOJ, you can continue with your fever dreams over derp state

This “news” is really old and very incompetent.
They are afraid what else Stone might know, because THEY are the guilty ones, up to their neck with corruption and far far worse. Stone was investigating them.

They hate Assange, They hate Stone. Stone was not running in hacker circles. He was just reporting it.

Assange didn’t hack anything. He was just reporting things. There are “duty to warn” laws and whistleblower protection laws. Heavy deceit and corruption needs to be reported to the public.

Please just stop ok…:sweat_smile:

The people tend to like Assange beause he as a journalist has been given information from white hat hackers who have exposed some bad thing. Assange naturally wants freedom.

He is being held incommunicado now for quite a while. He is being silenced.

“The Man Who Knew too Much”

Closk and Dagger Deep State.

There already is one.
That will be well within Mueller’s mandate.

Remember a couple years ago when it became known that our intelligence spying software had been cracked and distributed amonst hackers? This made our Intelligence look incompetent. How could Hackers take our stuff?

Must be Russians Ha

Except just because you don’t like things doesn’t make them crimes. Prior cases have not supported that just receiving hacked emails is in itself a crime.

J Edger Hoover was a panty boy so they say.

And being blackmailed with photos so the story goes, so he’d stay off the mafia.

It’s much worse now.

The deflections from conservatives in this thread are so strange that everyone knows how badly this story stung.

There is no new news here



Stone clearly lied to Congress about his communications with Assange.

Lock him up!

The Hoover being blackmailed by the Mafia is a myth. The reason the FBI wasn’t as successful against the mob during Hoover’s tenure is because RICO didn’t exist till late in his time and feds and prosecutors didn’t learn how to effectively use it till after he was dead. I can give you a long list of mobsters the FBI targeted and got(including bosses) during Hoover’s time though.

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So if I write Julian Assange and ask him to give me the scoop on what he found on the DNC servers, what crime have I committed?

If he lied, I agree. Put him in the same cell with Clapper.

Still beating the drum about Clapper. Do you know how long it was between when he supposedly “lied” and when the committee found out he had talked to Tapper?

About 15 seconds.

Lock him up.