WOW what a liberal media rap sheet

That’s because some of the “violence” was people yelling or screaming at people. That’s not violence. The list is not accurate.

The content was discussed. The content sucked. It has nothing to do with the media. This thread is a non sequitur unto itself.

You want an article from Breitbart, which contains travesties such as…

March 16, 2017 Rapper Bow Wow threatens to “pimp” first lady Melania

…seriously? Argumentum ad nauseam. Listing 632 times the “media approved” violence and harassment, without any direct correlation or causation proved and packing it with silliness gets a pretty automatic dismissal.

Are you denying those event mention didn’t take place?

I hope Tuesday is going to be cool.

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Okay, I’ll play. I am denying those event mention didn’t take place.

Tuesday is going to be so cool. They’re already preparing their posts about how Republicans holding the Senate has finally destroyed lib ideology.

I’m denying that each of those 632 events have merit, and that all 632 events were “media-approved.”

Yeah. Go check out the posts about how Trump said “Soros” and how that gets people killed.

They just make strawman arguments and sarcasms when it comes to proven assaults on conservatives. And then its all “Trump said rocks could be used to hurt people and OMG just a week before he said it that was used as an excuse to shoot people in Nigeria”.

“Screw your optics. I’m going in.”

Trump said that, did he? Or he gave the orders, did he? Ridiculous.

The “media” said they approved harassment or violence 632 times? Or they gave the orders for 632 acts of harassment or violence, did they? Ridiculous.

Under their own logic in this thread, Trump basically ordered the hit.

Yep. On one hand Trump shouldn’t be held responsible for anything he says or the events that may occur because of what he says. On the other hand the “media” unquestionably “approved” 632 acts of harassment and violence. The hypocrisy is dripping.

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If only we had some sort of proof like the terrorist saying he was motivated by rhetoric that the caravan was dangerous and the jew soros was funding it.

If only…

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Remember those bombs sent to Republicans in October by Caesar somebody?

It wasn’t about the level of violence it was about how the MSM treated the reporting of those incidents.

Yep. Every one of those 623 events should have been front page headline, top nightly news stories. Every democrat and remotely left wing individual should have devoted all social media and public comments towards them. Since that didn’t happen the media obviously “approved” each and every one of them.

So, when the woman yelled “Shame, shame, shame” at Rafael Cruz at the airport, how much media coverage should have been? 24 hrs worth non-stop? Front page headlines in every newspaper and on line news source?

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