WOW what a liberal media rap sheet

Please direct me to the exact quote about Soros by the shooter, and that is why he was “going in”. Did he think Soros was in that building?
No, we cannot give up our freedom to discuss issues because there are violent nuts out there who can’t handle it.

If it was conservatives doing the attacking you better believe the MSM would do wall to wall reporting. The fact is when they do report it’s always downplayed, mocked or they blame the victims for being Trump supporters. The MSM had ginned up so much hatred toward Trump and those who support him and voted for him, its enough to make one sick. :face_vomiting:

I’m glad. It’s going to continue as well.

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It’s not hypocritical. They’re just stupid.

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Sending pipe bombs in the mail and shooting up synagogues is not equal to being yelled at. Sorry.

What if you are yelled at and denied chicken?

A pipe bomb can only blow up my house, and maybe me, if it isn’t defective.

I can rebuild my house. I can get a prosthetic leg, arm, and glass eye for my injuries. No fuss, no muss.

But really, the odds of a pipe bomb blowing up approach zero–if they are sent by a Trump supporter.

Being yelled at by a lib, on the other hand, could hurt my feelings for a lifetime.

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As soon as you add denial of chicken to the equation, all bets are off. Definitely a fate worse than death.

How about being shot at and actually being shot with intent to commit mass murder on Republicans.

I think the MSM was actually happy they had a pipe bomb story they could sink their teeth into and were probably disappointed NONE of them went off!! And it’s really hard to address the accusation regarding the synagogue shooter who hated Trump and hated Jews, but yet the twisted liberal MSM pushes the blame Trump narrative, its all too stupid to comprehend or even comment on, so I’m done with this!

There you go, proving the point! :roll_eyes:

You should have been done before you started.


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How about being sent bombs with the intend to commit mass murder of Democrats? Right-wing media was probably disappointed that none of them went off.

And there it is.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_of_toilet_paper: :rose: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Right wing media was just as upset over the fact that an actual Trump supporter sent the bombs.

You missed my point.

Fox News had really strange coverage during that 48- to 72-hour period.

You have 600+ examples from the OP article. Please show us how in each of those examples the media “downplayed, mocked, or blamed the victims.” You should also be able to tell us what the “correct” response by the media in each of those examples should have been.

Mainstream Liberal Media Lies Matter! Mainstream Liberal Media Lies Matter!
Mainstream Liberal Media Lies Matter! Mainstream Liberal Media Lies Matter!
Mainstream Liberal Media Lies Matter! Mainstream Liberal Media Lies Matter!
Mainstream Liberal Media Lies Matter! Mainstream Liberal Media Lies Matter!

so a GOP in NY invited a group to speak, that group is labeled a violent extremist group by the FBI.

“I would trust Breitbart at least as much if not more than CNN.”

Oh I don’t know Doug. It’s fun to use CNN to disprove leftist talking points. They contradict themselves so many times depending on what article you’re reading.