Would the democratic party die without racism?

It’s exactly the same. White male libs will be the ruination of this country, not racists.

It’s not my fault libs are scared of guns. They like to get others to do their killing for them.


I’m not scared of guns…Im a gun owner, albeit only a 16 gauge shotgun I used to use for hunting. I just don’t need an arsenal to make up for other shortcomings or to make me feel manly.

Oh, oh…Candace is in Florida and just posted her new video of the event. Look at all those people of color. I’d say she’s leading a pretty good charge and lots of people are following her. You go Candace! :sunglasses:

How about the militia, food stores, buy gold that you didnt didn’t respond to.

So if it all so simple, why hasn’t the Republican Party been able to make the electoral gains that would make them unbeatable.

Can you identify three steps or even one step that the Republican Party should take to increase its appeal to African-American voters in the 2020 election?


The Republican Party would die without racism.

Place successful, thought provoking, conservative minorities front and center of a microphone and let them speak directly to African-American voters as to why. They do a very good job of reasoning.

Bussed in. Paid protestors.

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Yeah…that’s it. Sorry but Soros didn’t promote this.

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Damn…those paid protestors are sure enthusiastic. Great acting…amirite?

You said your own relations were a 10.

Could you be more specific?

The explosive video that the democratic party don’t want you to see!

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Both parties have idiots that identify with them.

Playing idiot-poker won’t mean a thing. (" My hand of examples beats your hand of examples…")

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And Chinese Restaurants.
And Chinese Crested dogs.
And Chinese Checkers.
And Chinese Chongqing Dogs.
And Chinese Elms.
And …


Chinese noodles
Chinese Chow Chow
Chinese Rickshaw
China Doll


Is it time to break out the good…wait for it…image China :sunglasses:

I don’t.

Free Tibet!

Expensive China!!

And what would their message be?

The response would be that the Ku Klux Klan endorsed Donald Trump’s reelection three weeks ago and the Trump campaign said nothing to distance themselves from the KKK. How would a thought provoking conservative “minorities” explain that?