Would gropey joe biden Have "Won" the 2020 Election If Not For covid-19?

What, that one has been a Republican seat since ‘02 and the other one since ‘92, except for Zell Miller, the Democrat who didn’t win election but was appointed to replace a dead guy and even then was so conservative he gave a keynote address at the 2004 Republican National Convention?

This is why rapidly Googling things is not the same as knowing things.




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I forgot about ol’ Zell.

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I remember that speech in 2004 because he name dropped Wendell Wilkie and I was like who the ■■■■ is Wendell Wilkie.

I remember how aggravated everybody was with him for speaking at that convention.

max cleland left in Jan. '03 - 18 years ago

zell miller left in Jan. '05 - 16 years ago

Before cleland left in 2003, that seat was NEVER held a Republican.

Before miller left in 2005, that seat was held by a Republican for a total of 15 years out of the entire 145 year history of the Republican party to that point.

If that’s what you meant by

then you have a weird definition of the word “decades” that only you seem to be aware of. But please, share what you really meant. I’ll wait…

How’s that for “knowing things”??


This sounds somehow familiar.


the one that ended with a trade deal? you guys and your narratives. funny


Trump basically lost by 44K votes across 3 states (GA, AZ, WI), all three of which flipped to Biden.

2024 is still a little over 3 years away, but Dems ignore the possibility of a Trump comeback to their peril.


And America First!


I like America First, it’s just too bad that we don’t compete against other countries as a country.

Of course we do, and all those people streaming over the border illegally to live here have come to congratulate the winner.

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Ah yes, the trade deal that “failed spectacularly” because winning? Speaking of narratives…

It would be interesting to see how many who voted against Hillary in 2016 would vote for her now if she ran against him again. Not that I’m saying she should mind you. We need to seriously break up these political dynasties. We’ve literally had people from three different administrations in office for how many years now?

nonsense. covid.

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If you bothered to read it, you’d see they accounted for that. That’s ok. “Narratives” or something.

Even the CATO Institute claims the deal was designed to fail.


yes, narratives. accounted for? lol, you mean they spun it in.

one might think tds would dissipate over time.

Yeah facts have a liberal spin. I understand.

subjectively “accounting for” isn’t “facts”

What do you mean?