Word play and lies by the media

I bet. It is some Catch 22 ■■■■■

Why I am defending them because for two weeks 15 minutes down the road from me was Chaz I could see what was going on while the media was painting this image of carnivals and unicorns. I could see the people with the guns and it wasn’t until 5 people were shot and 2 killed that the ■■■■■■■■ of the summer of love got exposed.

I remember the daily beast you can look it up saying, small businesses in the area love Chaz well if that is the case why are they all suing the city now?

As for what’s going on in St. Louis I don’t want it to turn into another blasting zone, they clearly are harassing, people don’t hire 12 security guards because they want to blow that type of cash they are scared.

Washington Examiner

“Hundreds of protesters returned on Friday and surrounded the fence around the property”

Why did they surround the fence? Unless they are
there to sell cookies you don’t just hang out 15 minutes
screaming at the owners of a house. This is harassment, they are just luckier than most of us to be able to shell out the money for 12 security guards for their safety one can only imagine they could use that money for something else and did it because they are afraid, which can happen when thugs show up
at your house screaming.

They were outside of the property for 15 minutes yelling at the house “One of the protesters even straddled an iron gate, pretending that he was about to jump the barrier.”


That is multiple times you asserted that they were yelling despite the news reports saying the opposite. Got anything to back that up besides a suspicion? Chanting slogan Black Lives Matter slogans on public property outside the gate is not “screaming at the owners” .

Good luck. This one didn’t make that grade.

Several hundred protesters made a peaceful return trip Friday to the St. Louis mansion owned by a white couple whose armed defense of their home during an earlier demonstration earned them both scorn and support.

Have an example yet that would classify it as an unpeaceful protest?

As I said, that’s a positive change.

Your lack of ability to discern a simple post puts you into your chase your tail mode. Carry on. :sunglasses:

they were trespassing peacefully

the armed thief didn’t shoot and kill the teller so it was a peaceful robbery

double speak much?

Read any of the articles. They were on public property and not trespassing.

From the article: “The gate that closes the private street to non-residents and extra metal barriers blocked the entrance to Portland Place, where the protesters had walked earlier in the week on their way to the mayor’s home nearby.”

had they stayed outside the gates in the first place, it wouldn’t have happened… they didn’t trespass the second time because they’d have been shot

At no time yesterday did any protestor enter private property and nothing you cited says otherwise. You’re confusing two entirely different protests

Meaning the 2nd protest was entirely peaceful. Glad we could finally agree.

yes, we agree that in this last article it said the protesters had previously trespassed on private property.

I don’t see it the way you do sorry I just know one day they’re going to go to the wrong house and then something very bad is going to happen and I would love to avoid that. I have zero problems of people protesting but when they start going to peoples property or burning cities they lose me and I would imagine a lot of others as well.

It’s a ticking time bomb I’d rather not see go off. We know they went there last week and came through the gates of a private community and 100’s were very close to their house. We also know these protests have been anything but peaceful. We have seen the countless videos of looting, ripping down monuments, cities burning, people getting shot, beat, and stabbed and all the while the media has been carrying their water bucket and people covering for them since day one.

One person straddled the fence not all 500.

I’ve read the story three times.

The OPer was the one who misrepresented what the protesters did.

They didn’t go onto the private street.

They didn’t go there to deliberately provoke the homeowners.

Literally none of what the OPer said they did actually happened.

Fake post?

Thanks to Trump word play and lies by the media is now any article we disagree with.


If it isn’t Presidentially approved fake news, well then it’s just fake news.

Why not? There was no shooting either, was there.


I don’t recall ever saying that there was

Well…there we go.