Woodward trashes the NYT op-ed

To Woodward’s (and I guess Zantax’s?) point, if you say something like there are whispers about the 25th, then you should have some sort of example or something corroborating that. Woodward wouldn’t use something like this without dates, times, or anything that someone could point to as an example.

The flip side of that is I don’t know how that’s even possible without revealing the source, but then again I think the lodestar leaker is a self serving ■■■■ so who knows.

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Revealing an unstable president isn’t enough for you?

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While the op-ed mentions the 25th, that wasn’t the real purpose of it.

It’s Monday and Trump Republicans are gonna have to side with what a liberal journalist says about something (even if it’s cherry picked or part of a bigger point).

It’s gonna be a fun week.


Did you forget the question I asked you…:thinking:

One anonymous mans assessment, not really news if you ask me.

Woodward certainly did not ‘trash’ the NYT op-ed.

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So which Woodard writings do you believe Op? Cues up jeopardy music…

I already asked and he had a meltdown…


There’s nothing stunning about this and he doesn’t really “trash” the op-ed.

If you want to read actual critiques or even “trashings” of the op-ed, you could check in with reliable sources of liberal and leftish opinion, like Chris Hayes, who (like a lot of people, including standard issue liberal Jon Chait) viewed at as a cowardly, self-defeating attempt to whitewash “conservatism” from the filth of Trump:

Or my personal favorite, which I think is more on point, from Ed Burmilla, aka Gin and Tacos:

Or there’s the Intercept:

Or there’s New York Magazine

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At least Woodward’s book apparently uses some anecdotes to illustrate some of his points. The anonymous letter is factless and appears to be more like a summary of the theme of Woodward’s book.

trump isn’t crazy…

A summary theme from a senior white house official, fascinating…

“Two track presidency”

“Policy accomplishments in spite of not because of”

Sounds about Trump

I agree with the quoted excerpts.

Woodward is salty that the NYT stunt eclipsed his book launch


At one point, Trump drafted a tweet saying the United States planned to “pull our dependents from South Korea — family members of the 28,000 people there,” Woodward told CBS.

“At that moment, there was a sense of profound alarm in the Pentagon leadership that 'My God, one tweet and we have reliable information that the North Koreans are going to read this as ‘an attack is imminent.’”

If true, this is indeed terrifying and indeed could very well have led to disaster had that tweet not been caught before publishing it.

The problem with trying to getbyour message out via Twitter.

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Deep Throat was deep background, not an anonymous op-ed though.

I dont personally agree with bob.i think he confirms this thing in his own book with what cohn did. Might be just bob waaaa wanting the spot light.

What are the “hit pieces” here, and what is that, exactly?