Woke - Is The Pushback Beginning?

Race is the least indicative of all human traits.

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Goodness, it’s in your graphic… read it :rofl:

I did. 1% drop in managers.

No change in workers.

What happened?

Of my 35 team members

5 managers - 2 white men, 1 white woman, 1 black woman, 1 Asian man

30 ICs - 15 white men (not all US citizens), 5 black men, 3 white women, 2 black women, 1 Asian woman, 2 Asian men, 2 Hispanic men

Bottom right of your graphic, what do you see?

42 in two teams

Team 1- 6
2 White
4 Latino
All male

Team 2-36
36 Latino
1 female
Recently fired the one white guy 2 weeks ago
All the leadership (4) Latino


New hires? :rofl:

Don’t call him a cowboy until you’ve seen him ride.

Yes, new hires. I said they seem to be improving on hiring black and Hispanic.

Not sure what your last sentence means… especially when talking about new hires

that is incorrect.

building the most qualified team is the path to success. “qualified” as in effective

is the “most qualified” not good enough for you?


You are very diverse by the least indicative metric of all. Congratulations! You are a DEI “Go.”

No, I want both. Which is harder to do. But I’m willing to do hard things in order to perform the best. That’s why I am successful.


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why? most talented, effective and productive is all that should matter

what are you really after?

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Congratulations, so are you!

I told you why.

I want the best team possible. Raw performance isn’t the only metric to consider btw. For example “intelligent ■■■■■■■■■ are not the type of people I’d hire. I don’t care how qualified they are… if they can’t work within my team… they won’t be considered.

Am I? I thought I am a “No Go”? I have zero most favored minority?

All mine are from the majority except the whites.

but this is not “diversity” this just falls into the “best qualified” category.

personality, temperament, skills. all that

why must racial diversity matter? is race (or preference of gender of sex partner) a factor in all that?


I agree, but how do you know until you put them on the team?

Interviews. Having a really good and consistent interview process can weed them out. Also being an experienced interviewer helps. I know almost within the first 10 mins whether they would fit.

But it isn’t 100%, so I live by the “hire slow, fire fast” mantra.