Woke - Is The Pushback Beginning?

:rofl: Interviews are useless. Slightly above resumes.

Not when hiring engineers. I’d argue not when hiring anyone. I don’t know any successful business/hiring manager that hires every role based on just a resume.

Yes, when hiring “engineers”, even more so.

You didn’t pay attention; resumes are more useless than interviews.

I do, me. My “interviews” last 15 seconds.

Dumbest take I’ve ever heard you give.

Yes but both are important in their own way. Especially when I get 400 apps for roles that require 3-5 years of experience.

Each step is a way to weed out unqualified candidates. The job description, the resume, the interview, the 90 day probation.

Why? Qualifications for engineers can easily be evaluated on paper. Interviewing an engineer is probably the most useless exercise in labor.

I know you believe that. It’s the way it’s done. And you no doubt believe you’re a “great interviewer.” I get it, you need to believe it.

Problem is, it’s just not true.

I’m not suggesting you do anything differently, you can’t. It’s ok.

How does an interview do that?

Software engineers? They need to know how to code. They need to know how to debug.


You would not last 5 mins in my job.

How does an interview prove that?

I’d have your job in a year.

This isn’t serious is it? Tell me the truth… you are trolling me. Right?

No, I can tell you anything you want to hear in an interview.

You’d have my job in a year alright :rofl::rofl::rofl::fist:t5:

If you are asking this… I’m confident my job is safe.

You aren’t thinking.

Are you a great interviewer?

Nobody ever slipped past your process? No weeds in the garden?

Yep, with no technical knowledge. I will need somebody with technical knowledge for about a week.

Yes but not perfect.

Not for coding, no. You either can code or you can’t.

Sure, which is why the 90 day probation exists. But by this point, it’s an issue of work ethic and/or team fit. Not on whether or not they can code.

How does an interview (or resume) prove that? Do their grades from Hahvad and Ala State not prove that?

That’s a try out. Now that works. Why 90?

You think I can’t fake work ethic for 90 days?

I can’t bring in tacos twice a week for 90 days?

Coding tests. Design reviews. Reviewing their public GitHub commits.

Takes about 30 days to get familiar with coding environments and team. The next 60 is enough to show a commit history to evaluate code.

Do you give them a coding test?

In an interview?

Yes, of course. It’s just a part. A stage in the process.