Woke - Is The Pushback Beginning?

How does including an alumni from Alabama State over a Harvard alumni make your team the best team possible?

What are the demographics of your team?

You want me to go first?

You can’t have both. You thinking you can is the problem your bias will always come out. You go in with the idea of diversity you will always find a way to hire a diverse applicant unless the gap is just to large to hide. If you just went in with merit you always got best qualified period.


It’s not myth. The most diverse companies are the most successful. Just look at the fortune 50. The two states with the highest gdp also are the most diverse. US has the highest gdp in the world and is the most diverse.

“Our latest report shows not only that the business case remains robust but also that the relationship between diversity on executive teams and the likelihood of financial outperformance has strengthened over time. These findings emerge from our largest data set so far, encompassing 15 countries and more than 1,000 large companies“

Emphasis mine. There is a claim of weighting.

Then are you saying highly qualified white women don’t exist. Or highly qualified black men don’t exist. Or highly qualified veterans… etc.

I’m certain that’s not what you mean right?

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Thank you.

Yes, it is a myth. When you define diversity as racial, SES, or any other DEI metric of diversity it is a myth.

Love how you keep throwing vets in there.

Priority doesn’t mean only

White women
Black men

DEI D metrics.

Everybody knows why vets.

I’ll wait for your study countering Mckinseys. Until then I’ll trust their extensive research over your feefees.

It is the only one that counts.

Why would I try to counter the “study” of a DEI culture generator? Where would I find it in today’s world.

We had McKinsey come out 4 years ago. 4 white male Harvard and MIT grads. One white female from an Ivy.

Do what we say, not what we do. Of course it was technical, not cultural.

Are you familiar with the term “token”?

Was that study “peer reviewed”?

Study the top 5 companies by market cap in the world. You don’t even need to study 1000. Just the top 5.

McKinseys’ own 2023 ESG report. What do you see?

Are you familiar with the term “token”?

Lots of Women, Asians. They also include veterans in their stats (like I told you before). Black and Hispanic underrepresented.

Also seems like they are improving on hiring more black people and Hispanic people.

What do you want me to see?

This side of the conversation is done as far as I’m concerned.

Based on what?

Do as we say, not as we do.

I don’t blame you. You’ve got some thinking to do.

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I’m ready.