Woke culture at Florida school gone amok

Lol. I remember. Yikes. You are right. Anything…


Being a 14 year old dude sucked. You wanted to fornicate with every woman you saw but you knew your basic morality (and the fear of her dad beating you half to death) made you refrain from even trying.

Least that’s how it was for me. I was raised real old school by boomers. I never made moves until I was 18 with other 18 year olds. But man it was hard back then.

Plus Im mixed and was mostly attracted to white girls. So that made things even more complicated for me.

Lots of talk, very little action at 14. I will agree.


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i understand.

i do not agree with that desperately limited situationally contrived definition, esp in the face of all it applies to by the “woke” left

so thanks anyway for your opinion

The rightie censors have been woke for decades.


:rofl: no it’s not.


none of what “nightie sensors” did or does applies to “wokism”

i realize you really want that to apply to others besides the rioting kneeling virtue signaling tik-tok shrieking freakout left, but it doesnt. sorry

Yeah I guess it’s just a discretion call. Remember, ankles used to be off limits.

this guy might


what part of a 14 year old is not “off limits”?

I meant bare ankles on women were generally considered taboo, weren’t they ? Don’t care enough to fact check myself


they were… moors of the times. is there any part of a woman’s body that is not considered sexual by someone? this however is not a woman.

also, fairly certain children were less subjected to those moors as looking at them that way would have been asking for death. daddy had a lot more leeway in protecting his daughters back then.

Muslim has a solution for this. Burqa.

It’s nothing but an excuse to trample at the rights of girls and women. Let’s not go down that road.

My point is it’s arbitrary. In certain societies , I guess even a nose is considered too much to show, that’s why they have women walk around with lampshades on their heads like so:

It used to be a term newly indoctrinated NOI people used to say back in the 80-90s. However in 2021… conservatives use it constantly as a pejorative. Search Twitter for woke and you will see it isn’t libs using it anymore.

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but conservatives use the word(to mock) so much more than the left.

If you can’t believe an unsource wordpress blog… what can you believe.

in Arab culture (and almost all others) the eyes are considered very sexual. Not entirely certain, but I’m fairly confident that’s how eye make-up started. When its all you can show… dress it up!

and you are still (though i’m sure not by intent) equating a woman with a child


believe the woman