Woke culture at Florida school gone amok

More like a weak attempt to redefine the term to make it useless.


The actual name of the person this happened to is listed in the article with their comments. Unsourced is like ā€œofficials and former officials who wish to remain anonymous say Trump stinksā€¦ā€ or something like that. You will find that sort of journalism in the Washington Post or NYTā€™s.

No I am really not. Iā€™m probably just not explaining well.

Here is what I am saying - the line where something (like an exposed body part) is viewed as overtly sexual is arbitrary and dependent on the time period and society values i.e. religion/feminism, etcā€¦ Obviously, it goes without saying that whatā€™s viewed as overtly sexual on women in general goes double for children. However, itā€™s still arbitrary, is it not ?

I.e. I donā€™t think too much outrage would be expressed if a 14 year old was in a photo with an exposed ankle today, would there ? But in a different time and place, it would very much not be ok, am I wrong ?

Nope. Woke is a left concept thatā€™s being forced to the nā€™th degree on most people. Itā€™s infiltrating my job. The more ā€˜uncomfyā€™ non minorities may feel, the better (weā€™ve been told in several meetings). I feel like weā€™re being trained on how to be non-offensive human beings, and the way its rolled out is designed to put half the folks on the defensive. Iā€™ve been at the school for nearly ten years and am very well liked. Students of all backgrounds love working in my dept and peers have nominated me for staff awards. This feels like forced remedial goblygook but there isnā€™t a thing to do except go along.

Iā€™m surprised we werenā€™t given shirts-
ā€œYes I know I suckā€

youā€™re not, and iā€™m not arguing that. the point is we as a society are not in a place where 14 year olds showing cleavage is okayā€¦ with everyone. our moors are in fluxā€¦ constantly.

Conservatives cannot define Wokeā€¦

Woke seems like ā€œAnything I donā€™t want to do that seems decentā€

But like Iā€™ve saidā€¦ Iā€™ve seen conservatives struggle to find a definition of what woke really is. What they all agree on isā€¦ ā€œitā€™s badā€

As a liberal, perhaps I can help:

Having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those related to civil and human rights.

The leftā€™s version of ā€œblue pillā€.

woke is whatever leftist morons claim the current state of enlightenment to beā€¦ for the moment.

True. Started with freeing slaves. Then womenā€™s right. Then civil rights. Then gay rights. Then trans rights. They should continue to stay ā€œwokeā€ until everyone has equal rights.

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This is a good primer for what Woke is:

everyone does.

Were there minimum standards of dress explained in writing to students before yearbook photos were taken?

For example, necklines cannot expose cleavage? No underwear showing?

That doesnā€™t seem to be asking a lot, and the photos were edited to include all students who sat for photos.

Not sure what the fuss is about, or why refunds were issued, unless standards werenā€™t explained in writing in advance of picture day.

Thatā€™s my definition as well.

By that definition, being woke isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing, in moderation.

Woke is used by conservatives as a pejorative. The left does use woke as an adjective to describe a bad change. Typical someone prescribed themselves as wokeā€¦ which aligns with @WuWei well written definition

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apparently yes, the dress code does stipulate certain standards, what they are, I donā€™t know. and I tend to agree with the gist of your post. much ado about nothing.

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that deffinition appears to need a deffinition of its own.

Do they? We finally have equality in USA???

everyone has had the same rights for a long time. laws made to ensure them are a separate matter, and its open to debate as to whether they are actually needed,

When did this happen? why didnā€™t the entire country rejoice on this momentus occasion?

your fecetiousness is tiring. if you donā€™t understand the difference between rights and laws to ensure themā€¦ go play alone