Will we be Shanghaied Joe?

Yeah, I was gonna say: up here in loony liberalville, I can walk to various oat shops and vegan restaurants and locally sourced meat and vegetables. To find much fast food, I’d have to drive.

It’s been a fine wingnut tradition of trashing libz for their elitist food choices—even the wrong kind of greens, from Dukakis’s endive to Obama’s arugula.

I’m just looking for some consistency in the crazy, crazy world.

If I’m going to be mocked for riding my carbon fiber bike to the climbing gym and then unwinding with a an egg white frittata with organic asparagus, fine. But then don’t claim I’m out of shape and a bad eater.

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…and now…a new Fauci has been born. I’d pick another role model. Just sayin…

…all according to…“local governments”. Now…who would that be?

Exactly. Let’s keep our stick-men, stereotypes, and cliches straight. Otherwise, I ate all those CSA radishes in vain!

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I am not cheering for the death of anybody.

It is interesting however, that you equate anti mask and vaxxers to be my political opponent.

Who okayed Fauci’s request for funding millions of dollars of extremely sensitive research in another country? Requests of that kind have lots of red tape and go through the head of the executive branch. Who was that in 2018?

Don’t be scared of the yolks; they are very nutritious.

It is just boredom?

It’s known.


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Wow! Where are these infected illegals being shipped?

Are you ready? Obama lifted the ban a few days prior to leaving the WH but Fauci did it on his own accord prior to Obama lifting that ban.

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Uh, huh…I can tell how much is “known” over the last two years. I’m surround by either idiots or liars, either way…“we” lose.

Media didn’t even have to lift a finger. Everyone can see it on their Facebook feeds. Timelines that go from diaper mask memes, rants about the scamdemic, redpills about jewish spiked protein, to relatives posting in their stead asking for prayers because they’re on a ventilator.

It’s hard to blame the president for everything when you see lots of people trying their best to die just to spite him.

Cholesterol is produced by your body every day whether you eat it or not :rofl:
Regarding your arteries “getting clogged up” by cholesterol, that build-up only happens because of inflammation caused by things like processed junk food/refined grains. Cholesterol repairs the damage caused by inflammation. Blaming cholesterol is like blaming the fire department for damage to your house after a fire.
Red meat and eggs are 2 of the most nutrient-dense yet vilified foods on the planet. Because I eat high quantities of both I don’t worry about the goofy masks and jabs.

He said he had a plan to end the pandemic. He didn’t say he had a plan but if it didn’t work it would be the fault of others who didn’t do exactly what he said to do.
My guess is you weren’t there saying how is Trump responsible if a new virus develops in China and spreads all over the world.


A) It’s exactly the fault of those that don’t take things seriously and do what they can to mitigate Covid-19.


B) I never blamed Trump for the virus getting out. Why would I? It’s his moronic response that I have issues with.

His moronic response was to speed through the vaccine that you now blame others who haven’t taken it.
Perhaps if Trump had been re-elected he would have been more successful in convincing everyone to take the vaccine than Biden has been.

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Tell drug companies to come up with a vaccine as soon as possible?! Nobody else would’ve thought of that! Good on him for doing it, though.

And, no, he wouldn’t. Antivaxxers are a big part of his base. He wouldn’t go overboard and alienate them.

Hell, they booed him when for once he did the right thing and recommended people get vaxed at one of his appearances.

There’s good choleserol and there’s bad cholesterol and what you should be aware of, is the ratio.

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