Will we be Shanghaied Joe?

If you’re unaware that this is happening, you bring nothing of value to this discussion.


Lotsa blaming but no solutions.

Right, large and small particle.

So basically you are saying he tried but was no more successful at getting them to get vaccinated than Biden has been. Well, Biden wanted the bully pulpit of the Presidency and he got it. This is on him now.
Nobody is buying this “Trump is President the Covid deaths are on the President, Biden is President the Covid deaths are not on the President” ploy. It should be embarrassing to even argue that.


And mocking the libz when they try to promote better diets…see Michelle Obama “Let’s Move” campaign and NYC banning extra large sodas.

Promoting better diets and forcing them on the peasantry are two different things.


Cholesterol is what our bodies use to make testosterone. It’s no wonder libs avoid it like they have a clue about nutrition and then go running around acting like girls. :rofl:


Amen! I’ve heard several times recently the testosterone levels in young men in their 20’s is now the same as 60ish year old men just 20 or 30 years ago. Sheesh!


The vaccines were great.

But you know, things like hosting an indoor super spreader at the WH, and having rallies…moronic. Not wearing a mask while touring plants…moronic. PPE handling…moronic.

But hey, I am quite sure any president would have made mistakes facing a once a century pandemic. But trump’s mistakes were aggravated by his arrogance, and his desire to just wish it away like that hooker he ■■■■■■ while Milania was home nursing their child.

No wonder the Carls Jr diet is so popular among manly men!

Tons of cholesterol

I think it’s pretty obvious that he could have done a better job encouraging people to get vaccinated early on in the process.

Get rid of the buns, fries, coke, etc and they are great! They do a decent job using lettuce instead of buns. Highly recommended!

Processed beef patties yum!

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Cuomo said not one person died in NY due to a lack of equipment.
Federal government was inventorying hospitals over equipment before one person was sick in this country. Three M immediately started ramping up masks.
Stop taking CNN propaganda for real.
And most dedicated mask users I see in stores today are still using those useless little paper and cloth masks…which do nothing or next to nothing.


I eat out maybe 4 times a year so they are not my preference, but in a pinch they hit the spot. The Flying Dutchman from In-And-Out is also :fire:

“Masks are the Democrats MAGA hat.” - Joe Rogan

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Doesn’t help that there’s estrogen in all the processed food these day.


I had to wait in line three hours to get a shot in January. When Trump left office, the vaccines were just becoming available. There were more people wanting the vaccine than there was vaccine available. It was still limited by age and risk group as to who could get it. It would have been counterproductive to try to convince people to get a vaccine that was not yet available to them.

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Did Trump lie to the public about how serious Covid was? Yes. Did Trump lead a coordinated federal response to the outbreak? No, he put it on each state. Did that contribute to more deaths? Perhaps.
Did Trump stop some travel to the US? Yes. Did that contribute to less deaths? Perhaps. Did Trump issue federal guidelines for peoples safety? Yes, on April 15th. Did that contribute to less deaths? Perhaps. Did Trump get booed twice when he mentioned that he got the vaccine and then the boater? Yes. But as far as I know he never mentioned it again and certainly he did not do any PSA’s regarding the vaccine like all of the other living past president’s did. Did Trump encourage states to remove Covid restrictions before some of them reached CDC minimum guidelines for relaxation of restrictions? Yes.
Did “Operation Warp Speed” cause the development of vaccines? Nope. Operation Warp Speed was started on April 15th and formally announced on May 15th. The drug makers had been working on the vaccine since January. The operation did provide needed funding for the development and distribution of vaccines. Did Operation Warp Speed make good on all of the promises made to the states? Nope.
Did Biden make campaign statements regarding eradicating the virus? Yup. But that was before the new variants hit with divesting results and before the realization that a much higher then projected number of folks refused to get vaccinated. You folks like to blast Biden for not doing more when he has 3 vaccines. Why? Do you think that it is really his fault that a whole bunch of folks made the choice of not getting vaccinated? Do you think it is his fault for the rise of deadly variants that probably were incubated and distributed by un-vaccinated individuals? Please tell me what Biden should have done to prevent this.

I think TNT was being ironic: the all-caps and exclamation point are a clue.