Will Trump Be Able to Get a Security Clearance After He Wins the Presidency

You are right. So are you proposing we have different standards for judging peoples’ actions based on their job titles or a single standard of justice?

Bidens were stored in his garage next to his vet as well as other unsecure places. Biden showed classified documents that he was not allowed to keep because he was nothing more than a lowly vice president to his ghost writer. Hunter the crack head crook who has been busy selling the biden name had access to all those classified documents that biden left laying around for years.
I will support a legal case for trump when they also arrest biden and pence and put them on trial.

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Do you not understand the relationship of elected officials and the US government?

What ever happened to government classes in middle school?


Well I don’t know what indoctrination you got in school, but in my school we were taught all people were equal before the law.

Yes in a private residence as opposed to a public golf resort.
If the President has ultimate authority why all the hsnd wringing about Trump being prosecuted.

No you will continue to ignore they complied with officials while Trump refused to.
You will ignore the pictures of files scattered around a public golf resort of a former president
Having no right to them as a private citizen.

I understand your frustration, but there is just no way a president could do the job without access.

And accepting the results of an election. Ho hum where’d all go.

Biden may have a failed memory and therefore might not have remembered he had classified documents in his garage is a plus to getting a security clearance?


Was Trump in the White House January 20th 2021?

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Lol no they were not.

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Damn that is stupid. They are equal under the law if they fall under that law. Do we really have to list out laws that apply to some but not others?

There has been numerous times people on this board have refused to back down, this one tops them all. Congratulations.

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Wrong again.

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Everyone elected President gets the same access.


He is really going to be surprised that members of congress don’t go the same process either.


The real question is whether the US intel community will allow Trump to take office at all.

They are the world’s leaders in rigging elections, assassinations, staging coups, etc. to remove leaders that they view as hostile to their interests.

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Imagine that - equality! :rofl:


You are correct of course, which is why someone who should not have access should not be President.

Absolutely, which is why a person who cannot qualify of a Security Clearance should not be elected President.

because Biden is too addled to prosecute?

There is no melting in sunshine, there is evidence the crackhead son used classified information in his business dealings and denial will not change that.