Will Trump Be Able to Get a Security Clearance After He Wins the Presidency

I understand what you have described very well. The issue becomes whether random restatement of long standing rules to fit the circumstances of a financially beleaguered chief executive is an appropriate use of Presidential power. Given what has been suggested regarding who had access to material at Mar A Lago and Bedminster, this might well fit the definition of a high crime.

While the President is the head of the Executive Branch, his actions are not as unconstrained as you suggest.

And remember, Trump chose to not rule arbitrarily in this matter when his son-in-law was challenged by those with delegated authority, so there is precedent.

Tell that to Sam Bankman-Fried.

We could each martial numerous examples of liberals and conservatives who evaded accountability and who were held accountable but frankly that would be an utter waste of time as there are enough examples to refute any complaint.

Those with enough money experience a very different justice system that those with less resources. Politics has nothing to do with it.

That’s right…and not someone else. You’re making progress. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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The agency authorizing the clearance kept having Kushner repeat the process until he provided a complete disclosure form. They did not yield to whatever the President decided as several here have suggested is how the process works.

Interesting world you have created there.


You know your skull is too thick when even the bottom of the barrel libs have all but abandoned your stupid effort. :rofl:


According to OP unelected Bureaucrats hold the ultimate power.

Basically confirming all along my suspicion on how libs think.


It also confirms my reasoning for Civics needing a major comeback in school.


Keep in mind libs believe in 4th branch of government…unelected branch. Meanwhile they preach about democracy…what hypocrites.

Most importantly thou for them, elected leaders come and go…so it is their belief that 4th branch is needed/required to continue there agenda.

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I didn’t create this world, I am describing standards I was held to… and I expect others to be held to as well.

So do you agree with the President when he demanded Trump surrender classified documents and support the legal case that ensued after he refused.
These documents were stored in a public club.

Is the current President one who would qualify if it didn’t come with the job?

given we know who had access in Biden’s case because his crackhead son used them in business dealings… would that be a high crime


At that time Trump was a private citizen, not the president.

You were not an original, or delegated, authority under the regulations, which were derived from the Presidential Executive Orders. Your delusion of personal significance in those E.O.s is quite hilarious.

Kushner was not elected President.


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They were in a garage. With a crackhead in the house.

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If we knew anything about that it would be… but those accusations seem to melt in the sunshine every time a light shines on them. Read Hur’s transcript and you can see why this fantasy has no legs.