Will trump attend Barbara Bush's funeral?

I remember. I also remember some not so nice comments made towards Nancy from libs as well.

Do you?

Once you go black.,.

And in the Obama home.

Check out my hands Melania.

From stories heard that too is in question. He cheats

I most certainly Do Not! Nancy was precious!

I bet Obama was respectful to her. I bet she wasn’t sure exactly how to act.

I also bet that Michelle feels sorry for her and would want her husband to be nice to her.

For once, Melania actually looks happy.

Meanwhile, the orange pile of manure has spent 108 days playing golf at his own property.

Barack’s having an affair with Melania!

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Like she did with the Marine escort at the SOTU.

I don’t see anything wrong with that. Funerals are for honoring the deceased, but it doesn’t have to be nothing but tears and sadness.

Ireland and New Orleans concur.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know why everyone is so upset over this. Obama didn’t go to Atonin Scalia’s funeral; instead Michelle Obama went. He also didn’t go to Nancy Reagan’s funeral. It’s traditional for the First Lady to go to funerals, instead of the President himself. This is just adhering to precedent.

For once Michelle looked happy instead of angry.

This is how it’s done.

Pure class.

To be honest, it’s not fair to compare the Obama family to Trump’s families. Trump is a vile cheater.

Google angry Michelle Obama and see what a slew of pictures you find. :grinning: Even angrier 1st lady than Hillary.

They can’t even spell class.

They look happy and still in love. Pure class, ladies and gentlemen.