Will The Left Riot If Kyle Rittenhouse Is Found Not Guilty?

However, it’s quite the certainty that Rittenhouse will be found not guilty on all felony charges at this point. That could have consequences for rioting enthusiasts. :thinking:


I think it’s def a not guilty verdict. I think the judge is suspecting it too, that’s why i think he will hold off the ruling.

It’s possible yeah that a mistrial may have a different effect on rioting than a not guilty verdict. I don’t think there will be riots though either way.

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I agree that there most likely won’t be any riots over a kid being justified in shooting these particular dirt bags. Nothing about them is appealing to anyone.

There will be more riots though. Lots more this decade.


he better

…and now answering the question of the OP, if he is found innocent by a jury, IYO will there be riots, looting, violence and destruction of personal property in cities around the US? This is for you to decide today and then we’ll come back to it later…k?

No. If it was summer I might say maybe. But it is fall and we are coming into the holiday season. So I think that those folks who would consider such a deal will be thinking about other things.

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I hope you’re right and thanks for participating.

Riots. Doubtful. I think we are past the rioting stage at this moment.


Defense is requesting mistrial with prejudice. :thinking:

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I saw that. It’s getting interesting.

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Judge doesn’t appear to be buying any of the prosecutor’s excuses. :crossed_fingers:

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Of course she was a tresspasser climbing though a broken window in a barricaded, restricted area.

She was not shot in the hall. She was climbing though a window that was broken into a barricaded restricted area.we all have seen the photo. Do we need it again.



So if she was climbing and in a window, unarmed, a female and the officer is a much larger male…hiding…unseen…armed with a loaded pistol aimed right at her…how does she pose a threat that can in any way conclude…that turd should have murdered her?

I see you’ve gone Muslim…eh Alla? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Boo, judge is letting the clown circus go on some more.

If? She was climbing though. That fact is clear.


Let it go to the jury and let them figure it out.

Isn’t that the American way?

Why are you so afraid of this jury?

No confidence in the case of self defense?



By all means, set case precedence for shooting violent pack animals who riot on the streets. :rofl:

No ■■■■ meaning she is absolutely, 100% totally incapable of being a threat to the officer there…clearly making this a murder.

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That is your opinion.

The facts were examined and it was a good shooting.


Unarmed protestor who unfortunately met up with someone who was trigger happy.

With all the guns on the street that night.

How come rittenhouse was the only one who killed.

If indeed they were violent pack animals surely one or two would have been picked off by the armed that night.
