Will She Be Thrown Under The Bus?

We bring you more albatross stink. You were her biggest fan. :rofl:

No matter what else Donald Trump has done. Even if he is impeached and spends the rest of his life in Supermax. Even if they disappear him to Gitmo. No matter what, know this:

She will never be President of the United States and the Orange Man did it.

He won. Get over it.

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Fact? It was a loose statement that wouldn’t stand up in court. I guess that’s what registers as “proof” for gopers.

You can’t quit me



She got more votes. Get over it.

He’s a ■■■■ human being, accept it.

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No, I’m just pointing out that by your definition of “fear”, Trump must be terrified.

Awe. Too bad Soooo sad. :laughing:
Guess who’s in the Whitehouse and who is wandering around in the woods. Yeah baby! :+1:


No, Trump did. 304 - 227


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I didn’t say he did during the Mueller investigation.

Write the President and complain to him.

He can do something about it.

He has done an amazing job by almost every measure, accept it.

not in the right states

i cant believe people still cling to this “pop-ya-lerr” vote notion as though it has any significance whatsoever

I have.

Can’t cure the buyers remorse that is happening out there though.

the loser of the super bowl had more, um, passing yards than td points, so they actually won.


Nobody cares


i for one am 10x happier that trump won than i thought i’d be

I know right? There must be a gazillion people who voted for Trump wishing that the witch was president right now. Maybe y’all should be having a little buyers remorse. You couldn’t have chosen a crappier candidate if you wanted to. Any regrets?

The GOP base has been shrinking.

That would not have happened if Clinton has become President.

They probably would have kept the House and even gained more seats.

Instead, all the shenanigans are coming under increasing scrutiny, and if the economy takes a downturn between now and 2020, there will be a sea change in politics that you will not like… one bit.

But it is all worth it to get a huckster from NYC to see the lib tears or something.

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