Will She Be Thrown Under The Bus?

Im sure you can find it searching on your own in less than 1 min. There was enough coverage about whats going on at border, interviews with border patrol employees, etc

Yup. Gopers were in control of Congress. And the polls blamed them.

The Liberal Fake News Media never talks about things like the government shutting down while a Democrat President is in office.

Speaking of which, how many times did the government shut down while Obama was in office?

Great, 2 TV personalities with opinionated shows.

…as the Dems weaponized their vote and refused to sign anything which would contain any money for the wall and the RINOS caved instead of going nuclear and throwing the Dems under the bus.

what pathetic excuses are that? Solving the border crisis should be no issue, there is no doubt anymore, a kind of barrier is required. But instead of it, the Dems made it to an issue, because their behavior is treasonous

What is your thinking that leads you to think Hillary Clinton will affect the 2020 election?

And is Bill Maher now the spokesperson for liberals? I don’t know. I was at an event a year ago in Manhattan’s Upper West Side – a liberal enclave. When Bill and Hillary entered a concert hall, the 2500 or so people there did not seem at all interesting in finding a bus. There was quite a crush to get selfies with them though.

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One less in 8 years than Trump has had in two.

0 times while the democrats controlled both branches which cant be said for the GOP and trump

And Trump worshippers clap like seals.

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congressional votes has alwasy been political, nothing new or weaponized about it…which is also hilarious considering that Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall or did sputnik forget to broadcast those rallies?

nothing treasonous about it either since the definition of treason is spelled out black and white in the constitution. treason is not defined by whoever sits in the west wing during executive time. political most definitely, but not treasonous by a long shot.

Where do you get your false information from?

Probably the same folks who have blamed every economic downturn on Democrats.

You made the accusation. Prove it.

I know right!?

2 die hard Liberals in the Media, that Liberals love to listen too, actually talking negative about Hillary Clinton!

Hey! This might help with CNN’s ratings!? lol.

should we ignore them?

Does he mention Lynch and the hangar is Arizona?

They are clapping because that was real patriotism
Trump had the longest shutdown in US history, took the risk, his approval rating was sinking in the polls, but he did it in order to protect the Americans. The problem is, many Congressmen dont care about Americans

it takes a long time for the interwebs tube to be cleared by the Russian censors

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You voted for her.

Wear it.

I made no accusation, but judged according to the facts.
You listening and reading only liberal media surely dont know about it and it looks for you like someone would make unfounded accusations

Hey now! Bill and Lynch were only walking about their grandchildren!

Plus they both wanted to help Global Warming, by flying in their private jets, just to talk in person for 30 minutes. lmao!

It had nothing to do with exonerating his wife from doing illegal things!