Will Rev. L. Farrakhan flip to Trump?

yeah… way back.
Obama’s handlers were very cautious.

The media helped them out by keeping the secret as well.

The chickens are coming home to roost…in the Republican Party! I’m sure Sean will speak nothing but good things of screwy Louis now!

Hey - you can’t disprove that white people aren’t the result of a mad scientist’s experiments. Ergo, it might be true!

I don’t hold it against Obama for being a Muslim. I do take offense to him being the kind of Muslim who supports the countries who vow to destroy Israel.

Do you also not hold it against him for being born in Kenya?

Does he still think White people were created in a laboratory?

Nation of Islam is pretty much a cult at this point.

No one cares. Least of all “black voters”. You can have him.

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And while you’re at it you can have David Duke and Richard Spencer and Ted Nugent and Kanye West and Scott ■■■■■■■ Baio. Cool party, man.

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Embracing an anti-semite to own the libs!

Cognitive Dissonance. Its so amusing. Kanye West and David Duke, what a riot.

If he saw Jame’s Brown’s hair coming at him, yelling “impeach 45” …he might go into cardiac arrest.

I thought the long form multi layered BC proved his Grandmother was wrong, he was born in Hawaii?

Yes I did. They looked like two peas in a pod, so happy. The Media hid it as though they weren’t about news at all, that they exist for the narrative.

Have you seen the pictures of our gracious host, don lemon, and stormy Daniel’s lawyer at a party makin a selfie?

Does that mean anything? Or not?

The NOI have always been cranks they invited George Lincoln Rockwell to one of their meetings complete with Nazi uniform.

Well that was insane.

Hannity has invited them all onto his show, especially Stormy Daniels lawyer.

Yes, it means something they didn’t show. Truth hurts.