Will Hillary Get The Nomination?

And yet the only time she’s ever brought up here is when she makes an appearance and some harebrained theory that SHE’S RUNNING starts up…again. Just because she gave an interview. And it’s always a right-winger floating that theory. Look at who starts the “will Hillary run” thread when they appear. Who keeps starting threads about her here? Think.

Appearing in interviews is not out of the ordinary for someone like her.

I’ll give a rat’s ass inasmuch as I do not think she would be a good president and will not vote for her, just like 2016.

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whether shes brought up here or not doesn’t matter.

my point still stands. she still has media and press interest. and she keeps talking about trump and 2016.

you lost hillary. get over it

Well sure it does. No one here babbles on about her other than the people whose heads she occupies rent-free.

No one goes apoplectic about her appearing in the media but right-wingers.

Boring. Who cares? Stop caring. Just don’t look. It’s not hard.

Who cares? It’s done. Evict her from your brain. Doesn’t even require 30 days notice.

When you’re out of ammunition, you return to past glories. Trump World will never quit Clinton.

nothing here disputes my point.

what’s “in my brain” or not is none of your business.

post something relevant in your reply this time

Fat donald and most of his supporters just can’t quit her. She’s living rent free in their ■■■■■■■ heads.:rofl:

This is too funny. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


It shows whose heads Hillary is living inside…the ones who constantly kvetch about her appearing in media and think every appearance means she’s going to run.

When those thoughts come to the forum in the forum of HILLARY RUNNING AGAIN!?!??! threads, they become all of our business. Which is why this thread, and a bunch of others, exist about her here. She lives in peoples’ heads.

Just don’t look. Evict Hilary from your thoughts.

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Proof positive of what I’ve been saying, @thinkingman. The president is sitting here suggesting Hillary should run.

Right-wingers need to send her an eviction notice. She’s stuck in your brains.

you mean the media and press, not right wingers

don’t forget to ignore that in this post too

because, narrative!

again < clears throat > hillary goes on msnbc, on talk shows and does speeches talking about trump and 2016 excuses

he lives in her head.

of course you all see that, so you post this nonsense

No, nor does she seem it…this is just Donnie’s fear.

Hillary is a private citizen, I could give two ■■■■■ what she says, thinks or does.

Donnie and his “followers” are obsessed with H. Clinton.

Interesting…we can apply the same to ANYONE…so you’re not really saying anything significant.

At this point he may as well hereby order her to announce her candidacy.

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No. She will be defending herself before a grand jury by then. To have any chance they need to field someone from outside the swamp. I’m still expecting someone like George Clooney to step forward.

That is exactly what they do. The leftists will defend them to the hilt however because the slanted fake polls please them.

Wasn’t it ABC that put out claims that the exit polls showed that Bush was losing big to Kerry…while everybody was still voting?

If that isn’t partisan then what is? They tried to discourage Bush voters from turning out the rest of the day.

I trust them as far as I could throw them! It was also ABC that put out the phony polls 10 days before the 2016 election saying Hillary was leading 50 to 38. :roll_eyes:

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No. I mean right-wingers. They’re the only ones who become apoplectic every time Hillary makes a media appearance.

It’s not “rent-free” for a public figure to appear in the news. It’s “rent-free” to lose ones’ minds every time she does and declare that it means she’s running.

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i dont care that you dont care

but she is in the news and media

and i bet you’ll care if she somehow joins the race which so many in the media are talking about not just dan bongino

and lemme tell you something about the clintons. the are political carpet baggers extraordinaire. if her new “listening tour” indicates somehow she has a chance, she will be there.