Will Hillary Get The Nomination?

Except a bunch of pollsters didn’t do that. And other pollsters showed similar findings to what ABC did around the same time.

And you have no proof other than your conspiracies to prove they manipulate the results.

It’s not prudent, though, to just make things up because you want them to be true.

This has been false every time you’ve said it.

Why do you keep repeating falsehoods like this, especially after you’ve been corrected?

She ain’t running. Get over it.

Again, she’s done and she ain’t running. She is, however, your typical grifter always looking to make a buck.

Clinton Obsessed.

Yeah, but it’s DEMS who keep bringing her up.


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no one is “apoplectic” give it a rest

she complains about trump and makes excuses about 2016 in most if not all of her notable appearances. yes, he’s rent free there.

not dems. media, and press

you’ll get this.

yes, the media and press seem to be i agree

dont tell me get over it. tell her. she obviously hasnt

nor has media and press

If you spent as much time researching and studying polling instead of just blindly accepting what Fox appears to have told you, you might learn something!

See, there were actually studies of the 2004 exit polling done. Did you know that?

Exit polling problems weren’t a partisan problem in 2004. They were actually a pretty widespread problem that was studied at length after the election.

A former first lady, secretary of state, and presidential nominee appearing in the media from time to time doesn’t mean they are obsessed with her.

Those whose hair catches on fire every time she does a media appearance, and proclaims WILL SHE RUN in 2020…those are right-wingers. And they need to evict Hillary from their minds.

she’s not “rent free” in my head just because i point out she’s in the media a lot

maybe try and address what posters are saying instead of frothing frantic narrative

No you can’t, most people are not obsessed with power and keeping themselves in the news and most people would never put up with the complete anal exam they and their families would be put through to get it.

How does one defend themselves before a grand jury? Do you present your own evidence? Cross examine witnesses?

Probably by lying on the witness stand.

Usually, by engaging lawyers and with them arguing for alternative scenarios that make sense of the facts but leaves the defendant uncompromised.

That’s going to be a tough ask in Hillary’s case, once she’s in the dock.

Is this your way of admitting you have no clue how a grand jury works?

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No. But I do admit my understanding is as incomplete as yours.

You don’t get to put on a defense before the GJ nor do you get to cross examine witnesses, it’s solely the prosecutor’s show.

Let’s start off by stating, the only lawyers presenting evidence in a grand jury is the prosecution. The defense doesn’t even get to enter the room…