Will Doing Away with the 2nd Amendment Cause a Civil War?

Let’s make it happen today. We need to “solve” this problem. Yesterday Wolf Blitzer was calling on everyone to report suspicious internet posting to the authorities. That won’t be enough.

Oh, and it already has in the war on drugs. Can we count on your support?

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That was an excellent comment! I gave you a heart.

Just a quick edit: You will probably hear people telling you “Driving is a privilege and not mentioned in the Constitution derpy-derp!”.

You have to have a drivers license or other ID to buy a gun already…plus more.

So happy birthday!! Your wish has been reality for decades.

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Sure thing good buddy

Straw man. I never said I’d do anything either way. I said banning guns will cause a civil war because I believe it would - Didn’t happen in the sheeple states all over the world, but it will in the US. They paid for it in loss of freedoms, poverty, political prisons, & middle of the night disappearances by the millions.

I don’t think it can be avoided in the US, because so many won’t put up with it & will fight.

Also the old tired argument that those willing to fight will go after law enforcement & the military. I don’t think it will happen that way either. I think it will just be very unsafe to be a leftist politician till they back down on enslaving and impoverishing the nation.

But hey, the left can think what they like about it. That’s what I think will happen. The right isn’t anti military or anti police, or suicidal, but enough of them are willing to go after leftist politicians to put a stop to a ban, & I think that is what they will do.

The left tends to place blame on objects, (guns) rather than the actual perpetrators. The right puts blame on who deserves it, & would blame leftist politicians, professors, & activists, not police or military.

The left probably thinks they will be able to do a total gun ban here with near no consequences like they have in every dictatorship they ever set up. I just believe that is wishful thinking here.

Well aside from derpy-derp being true, it already is.

Good. Now, help us with your friends.

He’s really not far off, think about the way we have handled the war on drugs which kills way more people in the United States than guns. The war on drugs has been a massive failure so what do we do we talk about legalizing it to address the problem. There’s already more guns than they are Americans in the United States are we not already past letting that cat out of the bag?

No because most of you would be discussing suicide pacts if the internet went down for a week.

It should cause civil war because it would mean to abolish the Constitution entirely. If one group remove 1 Amd, then why not allowing other groups to remove other Amds as well, according to their views and wishes? …

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Emphasis mine. :rofl:

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I would be relieved if it went away in its current form.

Who else would they be shooting at? If a civil war were to start because of gun rights then that’s exactly who they will be shooting at. It would be gun owners against the government of the United States

That would get anyone associated with it killed or jailed for life.

But it is going to be cops and the military will stopping anyone taking up arms against the government, not the politicians.

No it won’t. The military isn’t going to do any such thing.

The military wouldn’t stop an organized effort to assassinate government officials? Not even with a gun grabbing Commander In Chief?

The fantasy that a 2nd civil war would be one of ideologies is exactly that. A fantasy. It would be one group attempting an uprising and quickly being put down by the government.

Oh you wanna do that?

Gotta get a permit for right to assemble, too.

Thanks for this wonderful stupid gift.