Will Doing Away with the 2nd Amendment Cause a Civil War?

I am always amused at these fantasy scenario’s where the suburban dads grab their tricked out M4’s to wage war for the “country”.

Does the 18th still exist

They sure stopped the last civil war

Pro lifers are just as upset about people getting shot as the 1800 or so unborn Babies that are killed on an average day.

Can the left say the same?

Why would “the left” say anything that you say, and why would you want them to?

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I knew the left couldn’t answer yes.

Who is the left? Where are they? And why did you give them only nine minutes between your two posts before passing judgment on them?

Maybe the left is busy.

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So where is there a statement about the balance between the right to life and the right to life. It seems the only concern is for ZERO restrictions on weaponry.

I do not represent the “left” but as a Jew my religious tradition defines life as beginning when a person first draws breath. I respect that your religious tradition disagrees. Fine: practice your beliefs but don’t impose your religion on me.

But I hope you agree that a four month old is a person. Why not act to protect that child without insisting you have to pursue other goals as well?

You are using a four month old as a means to an end, rather than a person in their own right.

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England? Australia? Japan? VERY difficult to get a gun in those countries. The point about dictatorships taking guns is valid, but it should come with some accuracy.

No. It would be people saying You want my guns, come and get them. That kind of thing is not put down quickly if at all.

Slaves and guns. Good things to start civil wars over. I’m guessing the intersection of populations that would’ve support both is pretty large.

That would be civil disobedience not a civil war

Depends on how vigorously they try to collect them I suspect. In other countries that have done it, the people mostly cooperated. I doubt that would be the case here.

Oh goody another civil war thread.

We have had them here on hannity for now going on 17 years since I joined.

One of these days the world will end too.

Today is not that day



So that’s a “yes,” then?

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Cool paranoia fiction, bro.

we’re already in a civil war. at least death toll wise…

There all also islands which helps. That’s why we have seen some AK-47s being used in Europe during terrorist attacks but not in Britain, that slither of ocean does wonders.